3D Printed Plasma Sword

Hey! As you might have guessed from the title, I 3D printed a Plasma Sword!

As with all my previous projects, this was drawn by my friend Katuko. Here is the sketch he gave me:

Yes, I know its huge. Please don’t tell me that. It’s about the height of Kopaka, so that should mean it’s longer than Cloud Strife’s sword.

But what do you guys think? any feedback is appreciated feedback! :slight_smile:

For more photos, click here!
For 3D model, click here! (.STL)

Also, if anyone want to me to make a Bionicle weapon/tool, just send me a sketch and I might make it :wink:


The Buster Sword
but one problem I see is that with other Mocs it will be more of a Short Sword

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I would like to see this painted.

The level of detail and the accuracy to the drawing is amazing!


Is a plasma sword something from actual bionicle canon, or something you guys came up with? Either way, it looks really cool.

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I absolutely love the design of this thing. It would be even cooler if you gave it some color.

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@PakariNation99, @Stoax Thanks a lot! I don’t have the necessary equipment for painting it, so I doubt that will happen, sorry :confused:

@War_of_the_Worlds Thank you! There are none canon Plasma swords as far as I know, but the element plasma is canon atleast. @Katuko could probably verify this?

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This sword was drawn completely based on imagination, as the only character in main canon to have elemental Plasma powers (and weapons) is Pahrak-Kal. I think we only have two unnamed Toa of this element, and one of them was just mentioned in passing, already dead. This sword would probably turn a lot of people “already dead” too. :wink:

The print looks really nice. It follows the sketch very closely, and looks wicked on a Toa. If possible, maybe you could give it to Matoro Inika, and see how it fits his size.

Great work!

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The details feel a bit shallow, though perhaps adding the orange to the physical model would fix that, given the properties of plasma, the shaping of the blade is excellent.
Overall nice work.

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Very cool! This totally warrants a moc to hold it.

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Grimlock would approve.

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I LOVE this design.

I think this thing could reach it’s full potential if picked out with paint.

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It looks Awesome!
The blade reminds me of Hero factory, while the holder guard looks as though it has the texture of Bionicle G2


Looks great.


this is a really great design

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3D printed Bionicle weapons.

I approve.

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That looks really nice. If you paint it like it is in the drawing then I can’t wait too see it

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This is cool to see a custom part like this.

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