I tried and couldn’t figure out how to make them look like they were dancing.
Hopefully this gif will do
This guy is legit my G1 Self-MOC.
These all look fantastic as usual, great work!
Do you have a link to it? If it has Tuuli’s colour scheme, it’d be interesting to see
No, I mean, Tuuli is literally my G1 Self-MOC.
It was a joke I made a long while ago to a friend who asked if I had a G1 Self-MOC, and I said “that dancing guy with the ruru is me”, and it just sorta stuck.
Well that’s a bit uninspired
I just put a Ruru on my Toa Tamaru MOC. Now you have a bootleg self-MOC
Ayyy it’s perfect.
For anybody wondering where the Ko-Matoran are, I’ll start typing up the post soon. It should be out in a few hours.
This is stellar. So many neat builds.
Never gonna give, Never gonna give…
Give you up…
which paint did you use for turquoise
The paint I used at the time was mixed. Now I use a car paint that matches the colour. Unfortunately I don’t know what car it matches to.
Sorry to reopen an old post, but I do want to share that Mask of Destiny did an interview with Peter Mack, a creator of MNOG II who revealed the identities of the unknown Le-Matoran on the 10th (810nicle day).
I was wondering if you plan to update this post in regards to that.
If not, that’s okay. I just wanted to bring it to people’s attention if they don’t already know.
As a Le-Matoran fan, I can definitely appreciate this.
And yes guys, I saw what Skeptic Seeker is talking about.
PS. Welcome to the commuity Skeptic_Seeker
Sorry to necropost but how did you get the Lime Tohunga feet? They don’t look painted, they look perfect, and as far as I know there were never lime tohunga feet. Sorry, I’ve just been trying to figure out how to do this for a while. I’m thinking of doing a couple batches of iDye Poly, but I have to come up with a mix for Lime Green since they don’t have it.
I’ll never understand why LEGO never gave us green and black pieces needed for Moltoran. Why two Kolhii teams never appeared?
The one I use is shown in this post, but there are a few other suggestions in the comments. It’s about a 90% match to the official colour
These MOCs are really beautiful. Love the detail you put on these.