6/6 Barraki Warlords in their prime (final edit)


my designs for possible pre-mutation forms of the Barraki, since they where always described as the “prime warrior specimens of the Matoran Universe”. Thought Perfect Cell from DBZ would be a great design to base the Barraki on. Of the ones i’ve done so far, Carapar and Elek are my personal favorite designs.


Carapar is definitely my favourite here, in terms of his shape really matching how I’d imagine him.

Mantax’s design is also pretty cool. For some reason, Mantax always seems to be the most unique-but-still similar whenever I see pre-mutation Barraki, and this one is no exception.

Do you plan to do the other three eventually?

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yeah, this is just what i’ve done so far and will update the post when i finish the other designs for the Barraki. and thanks, I’ve always imagined Carapar as a wall of Muscle just an absolute brute. kinda like Kingpin in Spider-verse

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Very nice!

I think Ehlek is my favorite so far. He has a nice comic book-esque design


I had a lot of fun designing Elek, the suit was very much inspired by a lot of stuff i liked in sci-fi stories.

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They’re all neat, but Carapar takes the cake for me.

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Thanks, Carapar was always my favorite Barraki and i really wanted to do him justice for his prime form.


My favourite one has to be Mantax, he looks so awesome.

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This is pretty good, all three look very well drawn.
now make the other three

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The thighs do be thundering

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Ehlek’s probably my favourite.


Yeah Ehlek is my favorite, the reverse diving suit is pretty cool

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The Barraki in your style is awesome. You made these details so refined. You are the G.O.A.T. my man. Keep up the good work.