8811R Toa Lhikan & Kikanalo

Hello fellow Board Users :grinning:

I’m back at it again(Not with my reviews yet but soon tho). Anyhow LEGO unveiled their last contest for their 90th anniversary bash two weeks ago and it turned out that it was a Bionicle themed contest. So I just had to partake.

Since Bionicle is my favorite theme and all. It was also a pretty good excuse to try and get out of a very severe moccing block. I did partake in some of the other contests as well but for the purpose of this topic I will just focus on what I did for the Bionicle one. The biggest difference between the contest that I entered was that the first 2 was required to be micro builds but that limitation was gone in the Bionicle contest. So obviously I went all out, because lets be honest who wouldn’t :upside_down_face:

To really accomplish the going all in feel of the moc I wanted to do something big and extravagant. However I was uncertain of what to do but to help settle my decision I decided to make a new take on my all time best Bionicle set(as the title implies): 8811 Lhikan & Kikanalo.

8811 in set form


As you may have noticed the set number is followed by an “R” in the title and it symbolizes that the creation is a revamp.

As you probably also know these two characters were prominently featured in the second Bionicle movie: BIONICLE 2: Legends of Metru Nui

So even though you guys already know the lore behind these 2 lets just do a refresher first.

The first part of this build is no other than the Toa veteran known as Lhikan, leader of the Toa Mangai and their only survivor. During his glory days the mighty Toa of fire alongside his Toa brothers and sisters defeated the Kanohi Dragon and tried to keep the dark hunters at bay but one by one they fell and soon he was all that remained. Faced with a new threat impossible for him to handle on his own, he gave up his powers to create a new Toa team the Toa Metru.

This new rendition of Toa Lhikan is equiped with the same articulation and functionality as the original. It sports a working gear function that activates by spinning the grey connector on the back. He can also still place his swords on his feat and take of with his hover board like a “Biomechanical Marty Mcfly”

Functions for Lhikan

The second build for this creation is the Kikanalo and is in essence meant to be the same Rahi as the Rahi in the original set but there did happen to be a disconnect between me and the lore when I started building this, having never actually read what animals the Kikanalo was meant to be hybrids of like most rahi are I mistook it for a Rhino and not a Kangaroo/Elephant but since the set never struck me as a Kangaroo or Elephant my Rhino take didn’t sound to farfetched so I run with it.

Anyhow Kikanalo are Kangaroo/Elephant Rahi that travel in herds usually through the open wastes of Po Metru. Though not very hostile if neccesary they can in a herd be strong enough to cause Bioquakes.

As for the design, the Kikanalo sports one feature inspired by the chomping feature of the 2001 Rahi set Muaka & Kane Ra but instead of it chomping it bashes just like a Rhino. Secondly to make the Kikanalo look more cohesive with the original Rahi sets I decide to also give it treads as back legs something I felt the original set severly lacked. The redesign of the Kikanalo drew also inspiration from the Zane’s Minobeast set from Master of the mountain wave of sets. Lastly the Kikanalo also wears 2 masks that can be knocked off just like the 2001 Rahi.

Kikanalo function

For this build I used 3 Kanohi masks; Lhikan’s specialized Hau and 2 Silver Pakari to fit thematicaly with the Rhino theme but also to work as an addendum to the inlore explanation for why they can produce Bioquakes in herds.

Anyhow that’s it for me, The reason I uploaded this here after the contest was over was mainly because I wanted to see how much traction the build could get on its own.

And to answer that all I can say is that it worked tremendously well, 28 comments from different ideas users and a feature in the Brickfanatics news article I’d say it did quite well for itself and I’m really proud over this build. If you want to check it out on Ideas here is a link:

Otherwise more pictures follows below:

Well anyhow until next time, have a good one!


Lhikan looks really good, but I particularly like the changes to the Kikanalo to bring it more in line with the 2001 Rahi. The treads are my favourite part, though the neck function is a close second.


Woah! I love your Kikanalo, always love seeing revamps of those. And that Lhikan, Mata nui he’s looking like a real “stud”. Very handsome Toa


Ah both of these characters’ revamps look pretty good! I love the functions on them, and the Kikanalo is really cool. Lhikan is neat as well.


super cool that you included the treads into the kikanalo’s build


i love the lhikan build!


Thanks y’all