(9) 14 Torso Toa Metru—Updated now with 14 torsos

The Member of Jovans Team who had an Olmak.

Posing is a bit weird, the joints are a bit weak and I used the Mata Balljoints for the feet.

(@Racie02 there it is)


I can’t believe you actually did it…
That color scheme is pretty good though…

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Thank you. I had most of it build already, just had to add the legs and arms

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I came expecting something with 9 Toa Metru torsos, expected to be disappointed, and was absolutely not. This is awesome. The fact that the regular torso is the same size as all the limb parts is slightly off-putting, though.

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Thanks. Yep the torso is weird. I will make the shoulders broader at some point.

the final product may be a bit wonky, I can’t help but appreciate the concept.


Yup. Im trying to make it better over time.

Well I guess metru torsos will be hard to find on brick link now. Jk
Looks good.

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It was just one shop I swear and it didn’t even have white.:cry:

Thank you

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As others have said, the torso looks a little wonky. From most angles.

That first picture though, looks absolutely incredible. I don’t know what it is, but the torso doesn’t look disproportionate at all.

Also, I suspect that the knees could be made to look a little less gappy if the socket was moved one stud “deeper” into the torso. Or does the armour prevent that?

Either way, I’m just happy to see someone follow through on this.

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Jup that is possible. It would hinder the articulation tho. I already found a way to make the knees look more filled out and more stable.

Yeah I understand. I’m currently reworking the torso to make it look better.

Thank you very much.

This turned out fairly well.

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Thank you

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I feel that it’s kinda ironic that his torso has to be reworked, because he’s literally made of torsos.

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Yeah… thats weird

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Mad lad actually went and did what title promised. And it looks good.


Thank you.

Updated the Moc btw.:

Why is it out of focus


cool. He’s a big boi.

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Thank you once again

Yes he (kinda) is

Updated him. Now with 14 torsos.
took these photos with my phone so they are worse compared to others.