To clarify what I mean with the title.
This will be my final moc posted on the boards. As I will exchange my iPad for a MacBook. I have had this iPad for around a year and I’ve used it to take all the pictures of Mocs I’ve uploaded here. So here it is, my final moc. It’s sadly unnamed but I think you’ll enjoy it anyways.
This is in my opinion my best moc so far
Light up eyes
The assembly I used to achieve the picture
This picture really doesn’t do justice to how amazing this moc looks in the dark.
But wait there’s more
This is the real reason why I call this favorite moc.
These wings. I just love the look of them
I like it, but I think the clunkiness of the legs throws it off it off a bit. It’s not that it looks bad, it just doesn’t seem to match the rest of the MoC.