A low effort Gali Nuva remake

Here’s the tubed version (w/ questionable meshing).
Will do a full post with the other renders when they’re ready, incl. the vent version.


That turned out pretty sharp


ENJOY (and use it in your Toa Naho MOCs)


Oww that looks so cool.
Yeah that is 100% going on my Naho :smiley:

Really wish I could do the weathering you have too. I really need to learn to use Blender lol


I’m not that good with blender procedural textures… that’s why I just follow tutorials…

Like this one

Also, RoyalSkies has a procedural texture series

Looking forward to see that in your Naho… hell, I designed that mask with Naho in mind. Yeah sure it ended up more spacey than aquatic or stealth, but hey, rule of cool.


Happy 810 day, y’all.
I know that despite being a fan since, let’s just say Mask of Light (since that’s when I really got to know the story in detail), I’m fairly new to the community (thanks to being busy IRL for so many years), so I haven’t churned out anything for 810 day.

Least I can do is show my WIP, which is adapting @specterL’s vehicle kaukau.

I know it’s super jank RN, but I think I’m calling the blocking phase done. Any feedback would be great before I start on the retopo phase (where it’ll be nice and not shot full of holes and not having clipped geometry and have beautiful quad topo).


Work in Progress update!
Just need the finishing touches (like adding thickness & filling up the hidden parts of the geometry).

Hopefully the next update I’ll have a complete mask, and maybe a Cendox inspired quadcopter for pilot Gali. Of course the MOC is an afterthought to compliment the kanohi.


That looks insane :smiley:


Just hope SpecterL allows it, cause I didn’t ask for permission. I just started modelling it out.

After this, as much as I’ld like to do my space Garai refer to sloppy sketch found here, or a remix of Galva’s Suletu for Krakua… I really should do a Hau and Akaku instead.

The reason why it takes me so long is that I’m manually doing proper quad topology, cause I intend to work on a game (don’t work, I’m sure Masks of Powers will have a full release long before I have anything to show), and I need to make bite sized updates. And I can only have bite sized updates if I have a few basic Kanohi, then code in the respective code while attaching it to the default Unreal manni, cause modelling a full body or 5 is a total time sink.


Wow! I hope your programming goes well! That’s quite an impressive project, and the masks you’ve made are already very good.

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The last I worked on programming was in late June.

The only thing I implemented was some stealth mechanic (incl. a thief style light gem), and some basic AI, and the foundation for an element system.

The combat system is rudimentary. Like there’s a canned mixamo melee animation, but no actual damage.

I’d say my priority is to do Hau & Akaku (model) > Hau & Akaku (code) > some basic weapons > some basic element stuff (water puddles that can be frozen or electrocuted, ice block that can be melted) > Kaukau, Miru, Kakama & Pakari (model>code) > male body type 1 (of 5 planned) basically Tahu, Kopaka & Lewa > skakdi as enemy (cause bionicle orcs)

And that should be overly ambitious for this year. Basically think of it as less of a traditional Bionicle game, and more of, say Dishonored with elements, with a Bionicle skin. To me, the ideal world isn’t an open world, but something smaller & denser like VTMB or Mankind Divided… but that comes after fleshing out mechanics.

I will say that I aim for MU species to have 5 digit hands, while agori/glatorians have 4 digits, and that I intend to use the Hero Factory heads as the basis of glatorian/ agori. If I ever get to making great beings, I’ll differentiate them from glatorians by giving them 5 digit hands.

EDIT: We do a little soft launch. a little surprise to whomever’s paying attention


That sounds really fun. I’d be excited to play this once you have a release.


I was planning to set it after the Great Being civil war, but considering as the community seems to be moving forward towards something related to Great Beings, maybe I should just wait and see where it goes, plus, I should worry about story later, gameplay comes first.

I will say that I have coded in a primitive faction system (thanks, unreal enums), so I can always add or remove factions (plus that might come in handy if I ever wanted to implement a kanohi tryna, basically change a dead character to a living character, and change their faction to the player faction).

I could always implement a fallen toa faction with Tuyet as their leader, and maybe shadow toa Ahkmou (of course he’ll get the mask of incomprehension, because it’s the thematic inverse of his rau). I remember reading somewhere in the lore that some of the toa hagah teams (not Norik’s team assigned to Teridax) stayed loyal to the makuta, and amongst them are toa of iron & magnetism (and presumably lightning, since they seem to be the bane of makuta), so I could always feature them as part of Tuyet’s fallen toa. And perhaps, if I ever get around to story, introduce Tuyet as a “hero” who betrays the player, just as a plot twist for anyone who isn’t familiar with the lore.

The hard part is designing the first character. Thanks to modular power of game engines, it’s easy to create variations after that. Oh well, if I can finish a proper character creation system by the end of this year (even if I don’t progress in gameplay), I’ll be happy.

The hard part is carving out time to do character design / modelling (it’s fun, but time consuming, which is also why I haven’t modelled it in 2 years, nor have I ever designed a character).

I know I’m a first time solo developer (uh-oh, red flag), but I really wouldn’t mind collaborating with other people, especially with art, generic textures (like scratches, rust, snow, etc), animation & particle effects (you know I gotta have particles for all 16 elements). The secret to making elemental powers is to use the same code, and just vary the particle colours… but at the same time, I don’t want each element to be a strict recolour of the same fire effects. TL;DR I got no time to do Unreal niagara effects.

EDIT: In an irrelevant note…