A low effort Gali Nuva remake

Super parts impure version of Gali Nuva, based off @iylv’s GWP Gali Nuva

The kanohi is also modelled by Iylv and can be found HERE.

More photos of the kanohi, which could also work as a noble Kaukau, I suppose I have to make a restored Gavla with this mask someday.

Edit: Forgot to change the metallics to pearl sand blue to be more in line with the movies… oh well. Unfortunately I deleted the file (still have the files for the kanohi), so it’s not like I can correct it.


That’s a great mask! Congratulations, @iylv ! You did well here.


BTW, the file has quad topo.

It should, in theory, able to be ported into a game engine… it’s almost as if I designed it around being a game asset and am working on something a little too ambition for my own take.

Oh well, off to go modelling a few of SpecterL’s designs (surely they’re not all kaukau… right?) before I return to mass producing Kanohi in my own style, + quad topo.

I really need to automate my topology, and work on the original 6 masks… after I do a faxon.

As a side note, does anyone know where I can get a 3D model of piece 61813, the vehicle adapted visor? Would come in handy in Kanohi production.


@TheJerminator , you should know where this can be found.


That would be here.

Now then I really love this, simple yet effective and really nice job on the mask.


Thanks, I’ll put it to good use.

I’ve started on adapting SpecterL’s vehicle Kaukau to 3D… got distracted, and instead worked on my take on aquatic Huna… using the vehicle visor piece as a template, of course, though I’m thinking I can justify the gaps even without the fins.

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Would love to see it. I know that your KauKau works in Stud.io as well cus I’ve seen someone using it already lol so these are useful as well.


Oh? Any link to their post? I’m curious to see it.

Also, I’m surprised it was ported so fast.

Also also, if it’s ported to Stud.io, I’ld love the file (I know the quads are a little too dense on the triangle mouth, cause questionable topology).


I said I’ld work on SpecterL’s vehicle kaukau… Oh I’m working on a vehicle kanohi… Just not SpecterL’s and not a kaukau…

It’s still in the blocking phase, so yeah, and maybe it was intended to be an aquatic Huna… but IDK. As long as I have a mask for Naho & Macku.


Oww that’s looking beautiful.

Nah, just someone I know using it on a build. I’ll probably try it myself at some point though.


Honestly I’m not sure if I should just call it done, or if I should do the tubes like I did in the blocking phase.

The tubes are going to be a nightmare, unless I treat it as a seperate mesh.

In either case, I still need to add some thickness to it, since it’s paper thin RN.

Also, I’m definitely leaving the sides as a C-shape, cause doing it as a circle is too literal adaptation of the great Huna. Now with a C shape, I can flex my understanding of Gestalt principles, while bringing an original twist to the Kanohi.


Looks fresh to death dude

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But I do have a trilemma.

Call it done and start adding thickness.
Fill the gaps, call it done…, etc etc.
Add the tubes, cry because it’s hard, finish adding the tubes, add thickness, etc etc.

I want your opinion, cause being tired is just gonna make me take the shortest path.


I say tubes. It’ll be a bear, but it’ll be a point of pride for you and will help refine your abilities. Plus it feels a little empty there without them

Honestly I think the open gap on the forehead compliments the visor, but the cheek tubes would round it out well


Ok, tubes it is… tomorrow.

Or the day after. Imma go watch Oppenheimer tomorrow.


Solid film

We await your glorious tubes


I personally like the open look without the tubes but I think it does need something, so what about a grill like this?


Actually that grill compliments the angular edges very well,

Tubes seem watery, vents seem spaceshippy


Vents it is (mainly because it’s easier to model).


I have good news & bad news.

Good news is I’m done 3D modelling, and I made 3 versions.

Bad news is that instead of uploading it to Thingiverse or making a nice render of it… I’m going to watch Oppenheimer instead… that and my tube version has a HIGHLY QUESTIONABLE mesh.