Vezon laughed, watching the universe collapse before him. Of course, it wasn’t actually collapsing, but it appeared that way as he hurtled to another one, light blazing past, galaxies whirling madly.
“This is more fun than Destral! I need more… and a way to control this stupid thing!!”
He punched the mask on his face, immediately regretting his action as he felt it throughout his skull.
Then he felt even more impact as he slammed to a stop…
In the middle of a vast room. It was tall, with only a pinprick of light at the top. Walkways, machinery, and computers filled the sides and floor. No one was in sight, but the room was filled with a clicking and whirring as the equipment automatically built…
“People?! This place builds people,” Vezon shouted. He watched as an arm grabbed a hunk of metal, then placed it in an object similar to a stasis tube. Then beams of energy carved the metal into the shape of an arm, a mechanical arm with two thrusters attached to it. Then it was whisked away, up the “walkways”, which Vezon now saw to be conveyor belts.
He lay back against the base of a machine, and wondered, “How do I get out of here?”
Vezon’s eyes began to close. The sounds of the machinery was calming, like the waves on Destral’s shores…
He blinked. A person clad in a dark cloak was standing over him.
“Who the– who are you?!”
The figure jumped back slightly.
“I am not legally obligated to tell you that,” he replied.
“Ah, a man of culture,” Vezon said. “Maybe you can tell me what this dump is. I’ve been here for the last few minutes trying to figure out how I got in.”
The person laughed quietly.
“You’ve got quite a ways to go, traveler. I suggest the information stall on Level Two. They should be able to help you.”
Vezon reached out to shake the guy’s hand, but he vanished before he could get close.
“Well, up I go into the madman’s blunder,” he said.
He leaped onto one of the conveyor belts. As he rose quickly into the air, he thought he caught a glimpse of something moving on the wall. Then everything spun as the conveyor turned off to the left. There was a glass door in the wall, under which the conveyor ran. Gathering all his strength, Vezon jumped… and smashed head first through the door. Then several bolts of green energy struck the edges of the door in a dazzling display of destruction, powdered rock and glass flying everywhere.
Vezon ran down the hallway, filled with a vague sense of doing something stupid. He ran through the first door he came to, and slammed it behind him.
It was bright and sunny, and he was standing outside a K-Mart with a sign reading “Closed due to Bankruptcy” on the door. He realized that he shouldn’t have been able to slam it because it was a sliding door. He turned to his right, and stopped. The cloaked guy was back, only he was wearing a red and blue outfit now.
“Say, haven’t I seen you before,” Vezon asked. “Strange, isn’t it?”
“Yes,” the stranger said, and then he began to laugh.