A Repetitive Week. (RP Sign-ups)


So can we start now?

I’ll wait three days so I can get on my computer

Oh maaaan. I’ll be back in school by then!

Being insane is being mentally unstable…

And yeah, accepted :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Name: Christopher (Goes by Chris)
Gender: Male
Species :Human
Personality: Chris is a fast talker, curious to a fault, he tries to make the best out of everything.
Look: 5’ 7" tall. Short, thick, curly hair. Almost always is seen in a white dress ■■■■■, black vest, dark jeans, and a fedora.
Habits or Quirks: Chris taps on almost everythings he touches. He is occasionally seen quoting American Founding Fathers.


Sorry for the wait

Name: John Scotts (though he will make up random names to hide his identity)
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Species: human
Personality: very secretive, suspicious
Look: 6’1 wears dark blue jeans, a dark grey hoody, dark blue cap
Habbits: tends to lie his way out of trouble and usually doesn’t give out his real name. And no, he’s not a murderer by the way


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Name: Cammy White

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Species :Human

Personality: Unlike her namesake, she is rude, controlling, spiteful, and wears a leotard that covers most of her body.

Look: purple leotard the goes down to he wrists and ankles, green hair in a pony tail, and yellow eyes.

Habits or Quirks: sometimes sets things on fire.

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Accepted. Please chill on the fire though

Name: James

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Species: Human (duh)

Personality: Rather cynical and moody, generally not very fun to be around with his biting sarcasm and lack of caring about anything.

Look: Brown hair, brown eyes, just short, dark plain clothes.

Habits or Quirks: Cba to think of any rn


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Name: Lucas

Gender: Male

Age: 24

Species: Human

Personality: Easy going, friendly at times,

Look: Grey fedora, brown suit jacket, white dress ■■■■■, grey jeans, brown hair green eyes

Habits or Quirks: finds fault in almost everything, plays a lot of ukulele

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Bad fashion choice right there.


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yeah I know

Name: Liam

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Species : Human…?

Personality: results inconclusive

Look: 6 ft 6, lanky, fairly skinny, but athletic.

Habits or Quirks is always fiddling with hair, will never put his backpack down, or let someone look inside, and quotes Lord of The Rings quite frequently.

He should be confirmed human unless you give a plausible reason and such.

Heck yeah accepted.

The question mark is because what else would he be
Also, I’d like to quickly edit in, that he occasionally quotes Lord of the Rings for “quirks”

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