A Repetitive Week (RP Topic)

Baileys wounds by this point had stopped bleeding and he slowly got up, and sighed in releif, they wounds were visible, but it was clear he was in less pain than what he was in a few hours ago “much better”

Ooc- @Kirathel How tall is the killer, if you got a answer for that

OOC: No I don’t, not really. Suffice to say he is a bit taller than a normal adult. Maybe just tall enough to seem bigger than everyone else.

IC: The killer nodded.

“You heal faster in limbo too.” He snapped around to face Lauren, pointing at her with one hand. “Isn’t that right?”

He gestures at her heart. “Feel it. Your wound’s gone. Or at least, it should be.”

Ooc- k then. taller than 6’2? if baileys taller i have something kinda funny planned

ic- “hmm”

“I was fine when I got here, no thanks to you,” she snaps. “And I would appreciate it if you didn’t replicate the experiment to prove your point.”

“hey hey hey lets not argue here, please.” he tried an attempt to calm them down “here” he tossed her a mp3 player lets hope she likes hamilton,

he turned to the killer and handed him a book

ooc- i just love making them refrences to the discord server =P

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She lets the mp3 player fall to the ground, not even attempting to catch it. She snaps her fingers theatrically, and Ten Duel Commandments from Hamilton starts playing. “He stabbed me. I’m allowed to not like people that stab me.”


“oddly enough that was the first one on the list…”

“We’re arguing. What else would be playing? Ooo, the cabinet battles.”

“so much yes”

OOC: Yis
Liam sits in his apartment reading bad Bionicle Fanfiction and crying at the emotional scenes. He immediately stops when he hears his guests buzz the door code

Jacob waits at the door with the others.

Liam lets them in, and immediately goes and closes the door to his room, throwing his backpack inside, he tapes a note to the door, reading “No Inappropriateness in my room” by the time he’s done, he runs and throws open the door to greet his guests

Ideruba walks up and looks for anyone else

“Oh hey”

Ike holds out his hand “What’s poppin?”

ooc- b?

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Ideruba “Neato. Hope you didn’t burn it. Also keep the oil left over for me.”

“Uhh, why”

Joey runs past the house being chased by a group of people then turns around and pulls a throwing knife out of his pocket then throws it hitting the leader of the group in the leg (not strong enough to kill him , but enough to stop him from running).