It’s now 2022. Almost 2023. It has been almost 7 years since LEGO released last BIONICLE set (I’m not counting Tahu from Creator anniversary set). Many Biotubers disappeared or changed their content. Even TTV is now more about Ninjago than Bionicle. They even didn’t made any videos about Lariska contest!
So I’m curious, do you know any good Biotubers worth of watching? They don’t have to be English channels. I’m watching some random MOC videos on Russian, Polish, even Japanese channels. But exept DuckBricks and PlayStippling (who didn’t uploaded nothing since 3 months) it’s hard to find bigger channels. When I’m researching “Bionicle” on YT with “Last week” fillter, there are creators like Ponybrary, Laptop Eater Herora Nuva, CallanLoF or Taohe Netrus, but still I’m sure that YT doesn’t proposing me everyone.
NickonPlanetRipple uploads the occasional bionicle vid - and his other content is pretty solid!
also there is AllOutBrick that do bionicle set reviews every monday - tho his release schedule has slowed down a bit lately
thats all i got rlly , at least for english BioTubers
if you’re looking for biotubers specifically, there’s a lot of small people who started within recent years that post semi-frequently, like The Watching Relic
of course if you’re looking for just Bionicle content, there is always Bionicle Iliad…
If you can tolerate the slightly brainead stream highlights CallanLoF is pretty good
Wombat Combat is also good
Nickonplanet ripple is cool
Duckbricks does the occaisonal Bionicle review
Ben Cossy does some good stuff
TheShadowedone1 is also an option
Dawnofnssd, if you’re into that sort of thing
Lees_L posts good mocs and does stopmotions sometimes
Tammy Calamity is yet another biotuber
these are just the ones i could name off the top of my head, i’m sure there’s more
I would say Biotube is what got me interested in Bionicle, so yeah I know a couple channels. My definition of Biotuber is based more on what they used to be, stopmotion/slideshow channels. I would recommend in no particular order:
Toy Wars, an “around the house” (Set inside a house, no pretence of being in another world) stop motion with bionicle characters at the forefront. The production quality is insane especially toward to finale. Spoiler alert: They fight on the ceiling! Status: Doing non-Bionicle stuff last time I checked.
Onipex and Pals. This is a rare case where I would rate it PG-15 or something, because of adult references. Those went over my head when I originally watched it however and there is definitely some hilarious running gags in there. There’s even some emotional stuff when the main characters feud and go their seperate ways, leading up to an arc that was cut short just slightly. Status: Infrequently posts, I found the newer skits meh so I have not bothered keeping up.
Jallerlocobolt, one of the greatest things to come out of Biotube, nay, Bionicle as a whole. Another “around the house” series. The channel has hours of content ranging from circa 2007 all the way to a 10 part grand finale movie that was released last year I believe. A zany series with a lot of heart and one of the few channels that promised one last grand episode/movie and delivered above and beyond. Status: Limbo and that’s okay.
@ThatchMac (Sorry to ping you lol) has a channel sharing his name and has another “around the house” series that ran parallel with a series set in a world I forgor…but there’s some really dynamic sequences and impressive custom characters. Status: I have not checked but the newest video comes up as 2021.
Masonmocs, doesn’t have many episodes but makes good use of green screens to make an immersive series. Has good voice acting and smooth animation. Features classic episodes such as the quest for milk or the game show “What.” Status: Inactive, been a year or two since anything was posted.
Topeng(?) productions, out of the many I’ve listed this channel actually is a new channel and still active. No sprawling lore or stories but lots of good short skits, such as Hatsune Mike singing chug jug with Kapura. Status: Been a month or two since his last upload.
Kalatraz100, this mad lad, when not using classic subtitles, uses audio in YouTube poop style to make hilarious skits. Incredibly smooth/exaggerated animation, his last posts showed amazing effort and he had been building up a story arc. Status: I hate to say it but probably dead, it’s been like two or three years now.
Bionicles of doom (series name). Another “around the house” stop motion, although it could be defined as more of a slideshow in some ways. A crew of Bohrok go on a quest across fields and hills, sodastream portals and hallways to find something. Status: Dead and that’s okay, the series was wrapped up and it’s goal was completed.
iBionicle, a classic channel with dynamic voice acting, the series at times is “around the house” but also has set pieces such as a workshop, store or gamer pad. The gags are funny and the characters memorable. I quote them from time to time still…”sprinkles!!!” Status: Dead but I know the creator does check in on Bionicle once in a while.
That’s all I can think of for the moment although I may edit this post if anyone is interested in more.