I loved my part at the end. I think the 7 ish years of using this name and avatar have been paying off in the form of fan depictions - my character is always based off my picture. : P
Awesome! Major props for taking the time to animate something like this.
Next time you post an animation like this, I recommend removing the default Windows Movie Maker title and ending cards. They add a fair bit of unnecessary length.
Agreed; they also admittedly make the video seem a bit…amateur for the lack of a better word. If you absolutely have to use 'em make them flash on screen for only a second or two
To all the cast - Thank you! @prpldragon Thanks! (It means a lot coming from a great artist such as yourself!) @TenebraeInvictus And what a fine picture it is! @TakumaNuva Thanks! (To be honest, I’d rather have an intro in color, something that would take me much longer than 4 days to do!)
@decepticonaiden Thank you! @timmytowntim Thanks! This is my first time using Flipnote Studio in years! @legomaster1378 @Rockho I’ll do that next time; I might even animate the ‘intro.’ Thank you both! @Stoax Thank you! That was my plan! @Middlefingerstudios Thanks! @Kopeke_Nuva Thanks! That would be very neat if it got such a seal!
Once again, thank you to everyone who liked and commented! It means a lot!