A view from the other eight's side.

We’ve all heard the stories of the matoran and toa of the original six elements as well as everything else affiliated with them but I’ve seen and heard enough of my fill about them.I’d rather see and hear about a new bionicle saga based on the matoran toa and other creatures and beings of the other eight elements: PLASMA,LIGHTNING,PLANTLIFE,PSIONICS,SONICS,
If I had Greg’s permission then I’d write and design the saga myself. And guys I’m taking about a Saga that puts beings of these eight elements literally in the main seat focus of attention literally switching places with the other six putting them in the background instead.


If it’s something your passionate about, there’s nothing stopping you from making this chronicle a reality :P


Atobe’s right, there’s lots of southern islands in the MU and lots of room for fan stories to take place, so why not give it a try?


If we’re going to get technical, the Southern Islands are known to be uninhabited, but your general point is still very correct in terms of there being plenty of other islands for stories to take place.


I’m going to begin the series and I have been working on something I have in mind for it.It revolves around an Island called Vota Nui named to represent the voice of the Great Spirit. And its set to belocated south from mata nui right where the neck of the Great Spirit Robot is.