Accel, the Road Runner

This is Accel, the road runner. (No, not the thing from Looney Tunes)

Having wheels for feet, Accel races around in a skating-like fashion achieving great speeds. He challenges anyone and anything to beat him in a race; those foolish enough to accept his offer are left in the dust as Accel speeds off into the distance laughing. His love for going fast does however leave him with one problem: he has received many speeding tickets.

Backstory over, this MOC took me about two weeks to design and build, and in my opinion it turned out great.

Unfortunately, this MOC requires a stand due to the way I built its feet, but I don’t think it detracts from the look all too much.

The rubber piece on the back is for the stand to rest on, providing extra friction.

Since the MOC was based on vehicles, I decided to add features such as:


And brake/rear lights

Overall I really like this MOC, and enjoyed building it. My only complaint about it is that due to the build of the feet, it tends to collapse while posing but overall it remains a nice looking MOC.
To finish off, here’s an Action Pose

Please tell me what you think!


Very cool! It’s Umbra’s younger brother! :stuck_out_tongue:


Cool MOC and a nice blend of system and technic.

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@Rockho I see the resemblence!
@Zekester Thanks, I always aim to add system to my MOCs in one way or another.

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Strange build, I like it.

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It’s like a robot motorcycle.

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@Hutere Thanks, it’s one of my favourites.
@Zero Yup, thus was my intention.

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