You can talk about Action Figure Photography or share some here. I will love to see it!
Isn’t that just this entire site already?
Anyone have any tips for taking good pics of Bonkles? I always struggle with the lighting
I guess but not really.
Research a bit into 3-point lighting. It’s really simple, and if you aren’t lazy like me you can get pretty good results.
I like to take picture outside, usually I pick a relatively sunny day or a cloudy day, then I choose the right spot in my backyard/garden (or I go to the countryside) and I make sure that the sun isn’t behind me to not cast a shadow on the MOC. To pose the figure I use some sticky tack (if it gets dirty I don’t care) and I try to find an interesting pose.
Natural light is your best friend
Take pictures by a window, or outside, or something like that
Dinobot is sick of Rattrap’s trash talking