so like
I was writing this story and I wanted to share it with you guys.
Chapter 1
Running, running, running.
That was all that Vekra was thinking as he quickly sprinted through the tunnels of his former homeland. He quickly looked back at the approaching mob of beings that was after him. Suddenly he had to dodge as some flying sphere-shaped projectiles came at him. He quickly turned a corner as they smashed against the wall, barely missing Vekra. Luckily, he thought, they aren’t very good shots. He knew where he was going now as he turned left at a tunnel intersection.
The mob was far behind him now, so he decided to catch his breath for a moment. He stopped his breakneck pace and slowed to a walk, though he wouldn’t have time to rest for long because he heard a scraping sound coming from the intersection he just passed through and knew the mob had caught up with him. He turned back to look and nearly jumped in surprise as one of the mob had already caught up to him!
“One of us!” it rasped, lunging for Vekra. Vekra kicked at it to stop it but it quickly fastened its arms around him, dragging him back in the direction he had been through.
“No!” Vekra shouted as the creature carried him off. He managed one more burst of strength and kneed it in the head, stunning it. Vekra used this momentary break to sprint away from the thing and regain his path through the tunnels. He heard the creature’s momentary screech of rage and heard more scraping sounds as the rest of the mob caught up to it. He came to another intersection and blazed right through, not thinking about which direction to go, which he would later regret. He wound his way through the tunnel for about another ten minutes or so before he came to a blocked off section.
In fact, Vekra was running so fast he collided with the wall. Stunned, he regained his feet and attempted to retrace his path. Unfortunately he wouldn’t be able to do so because he heard the scraping sounds of the many feet of the approaching mob and knew that outrunning them was now not an option. He’d have to put up a good fight to escape now. Just then the rest of the mob approached down the bend, their feet scraping the ground and their arms reaching for him. Vekra managed to avoid getting snatched up by their grasping limbs and instead knocked a few down. While doing this, he failed to notice a glowing sphere flying right for his head. It hit him, knocking him out.
Darkness. Vekra soon awoke to find that he was captured by the creatures, and now they were taking him off to who knows where. He struggled but the creatures were too strong. One of them had noticed he had regained consciousness, and knocked him over the head again.
This time, when Vekra awoke, he found that he was strapped to a metal table in a rather harshly lit area.
“Oh great.” he said. He looked up and found that the ceiling of the strange room was glowing purple. Vekra recoiled at the sight, or as much as one can while being strapped to a table. Suddenly, a drop of purple liquid fell on him. His eyes widened as he recognized the substance; he had seen what it could do.
“No! NO!” He shouted. He thrashed desperately against the bonds keeping him in place, but the venom had started to take effect. Vekra could already feel his thoughts fading…
I’d like your thoughts on it, and whether I should post the next chapter.