Adaptation - a story of Rukah's

another long-awaited return…
Chapter 10
“What?!” exclaimed Trinos and Kekris.
“That can’t be.” said Wardi weakly. Just then, a sound of metal slamming onto metal came from the direction of the eastern entrance. Nardus gestured toward the noise and said,
“Well, there’s your reason. Those Vacans’ll just keep pounding until they get in.”
“But we can’t just retreat!” Kekris said defiantly as she attempted to rise from her medical bed.
“Easy.” Suged said. “I’m about as irritated as you are, but you need to stay still so that the medicine can take effect.” The medic held up a long needle, and Kekris flinched at the sight of it.
“You’re not gonna shoot me with that, are you?” she said even though she already knew the answer.
“I’m afraid I am.” Suged replied, his voice weary. “So just stay as still as you can and it’ll be over in a moment.” Kekris shut her eyes tight and replied,
“Just do it.” The Azurin medic nodded and, as carefully as he could, he slowly angled the needle to a point between the Yroi’s armor plates, aiming for the organic tissue underneath. Kekris felt a searing pain, but it lasted just a moment, as Suged had already withdrawn his empty syringe. He was busy cleaning it out, and he was as thorough as possible.
“Now that wasn’t so hard, was it?” Suged said in his best reassuring voice. It didn’t help that the pounding noise from before had started again, this time with greater intensity.
“I guess not.” Kekris said.
“It should work pretty quickly, so you’ll be up and about in no time.” Suged replied, with satisfaction in his voice. Nardus picked up on the tone in his voice and said,
“You’re the one who originally came up with this chemical mixture, right?” The medic nodded.
“Yes I was. Came up with it in the wonderful medical university of Triasial.” Suged had a faraway look on his face as he looked back at the memory. Then he shook his head. “Anyway, it should be all finished with by now.” he told Kekris.
The Yroi nodded. Already, she felt much better than she had since the fight. She tested her limbs experimentally, flexing her muscles to make sure they had no cramps. Kekris nodded, satisfied. Then she said to Suged,
“Thanks Suged. You’re the best.” She blushed a little as she said this, then jumped out of the bed and onto her feet. Just then, a loud crashing sound was heard as the Vacans had finally broken in.
“That’s not good.” Nardus said. He gestured to his large Tainian companion. “Trinos, with me.” He nodded as Trinos activated his gauntlets, forming what looked like large metal gloves on his hands.
“I’ve had just about enough of these Vacans,” he growled, “it’s time to get physical.” The two rushed off, leaving Suged alone with the two Yroi cousins. Suged looked at Wardi, then gestured to the bed.
“You’re next.” he said with a warm smile.

Trinos and his leader had made it to the eastern entrance, or what was left of it. Somehow, the Vacans had managed to puncture the formidable virasteel door. Speaking of Vacans, Nardus and Trinos were locked in combat with them. Trinos grinned as two of the creatures fell to a sweep of his mighty fists. Nardus was busy hacking and stabbing at them with his blade. Despite their best efforts, they were very clearly outnumbered and outmatched, as for every Vacan they felled, two more came to take their place. One of the creatures said,
“This is taking too long.” and sprang at Trinos’ face. Caught unaware, the Tainian warrior was knocked down. Nardus’ eyes widened as he heard the creature speak.
“You-you speak?!” he exclaimed. The creature turned to him and said,
“Yes.” in a deadpan voice before lunging at Nardus. He dodged the jump and the Vacan slammed into the wall, but quickly recovered. Meanwhile, Trinos was having his own problems as he was being swarmed by the rest of the Vacans.
“Nardus, HELP!” He shouted as he felt them tearing at his armor, unable to do anything as he was pinned by the creatures. Nardus started forward to assist, but his way was blocked by the remaining Vacans, who dodged his sword strokes and lashed out at him with their claws. He grunted, but held onto his weapon. Trinos was still screaming for help, but Nardus could do nothing but watch forlornly as his friend was carried off, unable to get past the Vacans.