A'den, Military Assassin

A’den was an assassin for the military of her home planet, but eventually retired after almost being killed by a Galactic Marine, who was patrolling the area she was in.

Backstory over, this MOC took around a week to design and build. And I’ve never used so many tyres on a Bionicle MOC in my life!

Please tell me what you think!


Very nice job with this one; I especially like the head and upper torso. She looks quite like something out of Titanfall or Call of Duty(in a good way, for the record).


The tires make this :ok_hand:. 9/10 overall!

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@Garnira Thanks! The head, though simple, actually took the longest to design.
@moamahrimatoro Thanks! (I’m now out of tyres)


I especially like the torso.

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@Saxton @Hutere Thanks!

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Awesome, I really like the head and torso design.

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Really good concept and execution!

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He has 6 limbs…does that make him an insect?

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@Stoax @Ultimate_TChalla @Zero Thanks!
@spudyeisleycreations Haha :smile:

Awesome job!
You can tell the MOC is female, and the system head looks great!
Even the simple limbs, you’ve added little detail gribbles to make it look custom!
Very nice!


@SpaceCalamari you do not disappoint! This moc looks like Goro went into Metal Gear Solid! It just has a really nice feel to it! Keep up the great work!

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The lower legs are the only thing I dislike about this MOC.

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I really like the forearms and the creative use of the treads, though how did you fit the 1 long washer on the area behind the knees?

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Bastion’s cousin?


@JonBlueFire Thanks! Glad to see that it turned out how I intended it to look!
@Guywithbricks279 Thanks! Haha :smile:
@MakutaTexxidos Thanks, I do agree lower legs are the weakest part of the MOC.
@Tobin-Bartram With this:

@SpeisCheese Must be!


love the design and the shaping but my pet hate is lots of system used to create parts of a bio-moc, i have to say though it is used masterfully here :slight_smile:

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@Mechmaster Thanks!