Adjustable Display Stand

This was one heck of an experiment to build, and my lack of black technic really shows. I know the colors are really messy, so sorry about that. But I can’t do anything. Please don’t pay too much attention to the colors.

I know this is a bit (very) messy, but it serves it’s purpose well.


I can’t really see it all that well, but it seems perfectly fine.

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Sorry about that :sweat_smile:

I’ll try to get some better pictures up later.

@SwagMeister here are some pictures of the updated version with more stability.


That’s really cool.

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Looks like it does a good job, but the top of the build could maybe use some work from a design perspective. Possibly. I feel like it sticks out way too far.

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That’s pretty neat…how heavy of a figure an it hold?

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It depends primarily on the angle the base it set at. I haven’t tried anything too heavy yet since I simply don’t have a lot of large MOCs but I’m definitely going to do some more weight tests (and create more connection adapters).

@Ninjanicktf here are some pictures of a Manas. They aren’t attached, they’re just resting on it. It started to collapse when I posed the arm but that’s due to the base itself. When it’s fairly straight, it can support a decent weight.


I wonder if one could pose two sets at once with this configuration.

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