Advice on modeling kanohi in blender?

Ok, so based on the feedback from my previous topic about modeling masks in tinkercad, I wanted to start making kanohi in blender, specifically a mask that fits a inika head, 3d printed in flexible filament. any tips?

@Rothanak would be welcome once more!

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I don’t use blender for modeling, only touch up, so I won’t be of much help.

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oh. ok! in that case, @Galva_Nize you’re up!

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Sorta hard to summarize, you kinda need to know enough about blender from the get go.

The best tip I can give, as long as you understand the basics of blender, is to use a modifier layout that looks something like

-Edge split

And build out the mask using flat planes.

When I create masks I do it by creating bands or strips of material and laying them over or connecting them to one another, sort of like sculpting with clay overtop something.

I also always have a model of the head I’m building it around in the program so I can be certain it’ll fit and line up properly. If you don’t have a model of the head you’re designing for it could become a real challenge.

If you’re trying to make an inika style mask, you could try using sculpting mode once you have a solid base to work off of.


To add to the legendary Galva_Nize, the concept is the biggest factor.

Always start with a block out, which is basically using geometric shapes, basic bevels, kitbash from existing parts, or if you’re balsy, a little bit of soft-select or scultping. Basically, large shapes to detail, there’s no point in jumping into detail if it’s not proportionate.

A lot of tutorials will tell you not to use the dark arts of booleans. Ignore them. Booleans are perfectly fine as long as you retopo later.

Also, part of making masks is observing details from real life and other people’s work. It’s not plagiarism in you distil and integrate ideas from other people. It’s only plagiarism if you’re copying 1:1.

Oh, and solidify modifier is your best friend.