AFOLs, TFOLs, KFOLs, And A Host Of Others

i just realized that he put it in his bio

so this is actually a thing now


more happy that it seems iā€™ll have a lasting impact on the community (in the form of a new commonly used term) than entertained, honestly

Two most obvious disparities in that vote are Creator (way more popular with AFOLā€™s than TFOLā€™s) and Chima/Nexo Knights (which are way more popular with TFOLā€™s than AFOLā€™s).

I would have voted Chima if the story had been good because I wasnā€™t against the ā€œtalking animalā€ premise that plenty of others were. But the line itself didnā€™t deliver, unfortunately.

Bit surprised Star Wars is less popular with AFOLā€™s, apparently, but there you go.

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I thought the actual sets were pretty neat, at least aesthetically and in terms of playability.


They definitely could have been worse - they had a nice feel to them, and they had a nice consistent design that was pretty good. But Iā€™d of liked them to find more ways to say ā€œthis is a Lion vehicleā€ without it being ā€œGIANT LION FACEā€ on the front every time. :stuck_out_tongue:

You have animal people! You can do so much more than just paint human vehicles like animals. Stuff like Speedorz was at least a bit different - like a motorbike but not really, and they added to the worldbuilding. Would have been nice if the big-scale sets tried a similar thing.

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I always saw that as BEING the consistent design.

And I loved it.

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Late, by why so definite? Iā€™m an AFOL and my first ever set was a Racer.

To the previous post: precise observations. But sadly not so many people voted, so it is hard to tell actually. I find it interesting that Exo-Force is so popular, with both categories. Also, Technic is surprisingly high in TFOL category, even though it is kinda ā€œcomplexā€ theme.

About Chima: Lion Royal Tanks and ā€œLennoxā€™s Lion Attackā€ also had claws and wheels/treads kinda resembled legs. Lion boats does not have Lion faces. Also, Lion Vehicles are not the best example: Eagles, Crocodiles, Gorilas and Ravens have vehicles that are basically mechanical animals (Command Ship is for the most part) with legs, wings, tails and whatnot. So personnaly, I am really satisfied with Chimaā€™s sets. But there were flaws, many flawsā€¦

That doesnā€™t make it a validly major enough theme.

Weā€™re talking about the same list that had ā€œTime Chasersā€ on it, no? :stuck_out_tongue:

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Well to be fair Racers did run longer than bionicle as a theme (2002-2012 if you discount xalax and promotional polybags), resulting in over 200 sets. Iā€™d argue that could be considered major enough.


Legally Iā€™m an AFOL now.


happy birthday?


EFOL - Elderly Fan Of Lego
DFOL - Deceased Fan Of Lego


me irl


AFOL 2.0 - Ascended Fan Of Lego
RFOL - Reincarnated Fan Of Lego


IFOL - Immortal fan of Lego


A FOOL - absolute idiot (me)