Ahkmou, Toa of Shadow (Combiner MOC)

To fuel my Ahkmou fixation, I decided to make another MOC of him, this time in a titan set form, kinda like if he appeared in 2008 as a set.

I used Toa Whenua, Avak and Von Nebula for this combiner. An alternative would be Toa Onewa, but I thought the browns would clash.

This is the first titan I’ve build (aside from von Nebula obvs), so I could be making friction inefficient, but he seems to be holding up well, even holding his hammer ok. He wanted to squat and collapse as I was building him, but that could be a result of broken joints and poor piston friction.

Ideally I’d give him a Mohtrek (like I do in my art), but I used Von Nebula’s face instead. Maybe I’ll model the mask in Blender and figure out a way to make it real. If you wanna help with making the mask fit a metru head (+visor), hmu.

Anyway, enjoy the Ahkmou. Disassembly photos when I decide to take him apart (or on request).