Ajtazt's Okoto Fauna Gallery

I currently have a total of eight animal MOCs for Okoto and I rather not waste space by given each of them a separate topic. I’ll go by oldest to newest, so here we go.


“Disrespect me, shame on you. Disrespect a Rive, I wish I could say it was nice knowing you.”–A saying to remind the islanders of Okoto to respect the Rives.

Rives are a creature that lives in the underground areas of the Earth Region. They live up on the cave ceilings, normally clinging to the bases of stalactites. Should one startle this creature, it will crush the base of the stalactite and cause it to fall on whatever’s below. As seen in the Region of Earth picture on the Okoto map, these Rives can be big and cause huge stalactites to come down.

The villagers of the Earth Region find the Rives to be very helpful creatures, despite the threat level they present if frightened. This is because the Rives feed on particles and tiny organisms that are in the air, and produce clean, filtered air for the protectors to breathe. Especially helpful where there’s a lot of dust, smoke, or even deep areas in the mines where it takes a long time for air to pass through.

Rives are completely blind, but have an acute sense of hearing and smell.Their black bodies works as great camouflage from predators as they look like the rock ceilings and are really hard to find in the dark. Sadly, they are often prey for several other species; many of which can fly and thus makes their only defense of causing stalactites to fall completely useless. The villagers do what they can to help protect them, but the Rives’ predators are far more dangerous than any harm the Rives can cause.


The Helli-Deer of the Fire Region are strange site to behold. They use their helicopter rotors for travel and to avoid lava pits. Helli-Deer eat what little plant life can be found in the Region of Fire and various volcanic rocks.

Armored Moth:

“101, 102, 103…Darn, I lost my place.”–A villager counting his/her collection of Armored Moth Wings.

Armored Moths are a pest that lives in the Region of Jungle. They often eat Sensor Tails and take nibbles on masks and weapons. The only nice thing about Armored Moths are their wings, which are a light, but tough metal, which can be melted down to make armor. However, these wings are small and it takes at least 100 Armored Moths (or 400 wings!) just to make one piece of armor (the new Bionicle clip on armor piece). So trying to collect enough of these wings is a very taxing job.

Angelic Cubes:

“Fresh air from Rives are like the songs of the Angelic Cubes to us.”–An Earth Villager explaining the Rives importance to a visiting Ice Villager, using the Angelic Cubes for comparison.

The Angelic Cubes are a fascinating creature that lives in the Ice Region of Okoto. They are so named after their shape and the music they produce. Some say that their songs are so melodious that Skull Spiders won’t even attack the one carrying them, just so they can hear it sing. Though even before the Skull Spider became a problem, there was always a great demand for Angelic Cubes. While friendly, their voices travel long and far on the cold winds in the Ice Region, making them hard to find and many islanders have fallen off cliffs chasing after these voices.

The Angelic Cubes are completely blind and rely on hearing, echolocation, and their ability to sense heat to help guide them in their wanderings. Though no islander has actually seen these creature move, they know they do from the unique tracks they leave behind in the snow (that is, if a blizzard hasn’t covered them). Their only defense, besides their singing, are the spikes on their bodies. Though few creatures would dare try to harm one of these cubes. The Angelic Cubes normally feed on special ice crystals that form on the edge of cliffs, but substitutes for these ice crystals can be found in the other regions for owners of these cubes to feed them. Angelic Cubes aren’t very big; normally the biggest they go by is the size of Chihuahua.

As you probably have guessed by now, the most important thing about the Angelic Cubes are their voice. They don’t sing with any actual words, except for a few that sound really close to “Oh,” “Ah,” “Nah,” etc. And their songs sound like a strange combination between humming and whistling. Though their singing is normally used for their echolocation, communication with other cubes, emotional state, and even emit sounds that causes different affects to the brain. Whether these Angelic Cubes has learned to use their voices to make the islanders think that they sound beautiful in order to get them to protect and feed them is unknown. However it is known that they are very well capable of influence other creatures to leave them alone.

Mausoleum Bear:

“Hm, more Mausoleum Bears are migrating here. Have the Skull Spiders finally forced them from their homes?”–A pondering Earth Villager.

Mausoleum Bears are fierce creatures that like to live in large caves or crypts. Their large bat wings allows them to fly and their excellent night vision and echolocation makes it difficult to hide from them in the dark. Having massive strength and great endurance, these creatures will be a challenge to defeat. Old records show that even after unloading an entire supply of elemental blaster ammo on these things, they still stand and fight even harder.

Since the Ancient City had been abandoned, no-one had seen these bears until recently. It seems something has finally forced these creatures out. Now they challenge every creature throughout Okoto as they try to find new places to live. Currently they are favoring the surface area of the Region of Earth.
Pics 1-4: Just an all around look of the bear.
Pic 5: The bear standing on its hind legs and ready to swipe at someone.

Green Horn Frog:

“An Okoto Villager tries to keep the mosquitos at bay, wishing that there were some Green Horn Frogs around.”–The Narrator.

The Green Horn Frogs are native to the Region of Water on Okoto, but some can be found in the swampier areas close to the Jungle Region as well. These creatures are normally very friendly and often want to play with the islanders. Though if threatened or angered, these frogs will use their horns for lethal combat. That is, if there isn’t a tasty snack near by to eat such as mosquitos. Their long, elastic tongues are quick and sticky, making sure that no lunch will escape their path.

Pic 1-3: General look around of the frog.
Pic 4: The frog eating one of those blasted mosquitos. Good job Frogger!
Pic 5: The evil, sinister, most threatening creature of all, the Mosquito!

Fallacious Crab:

“If you’re dying of thirst and see a cactus with flowers, just ignore it. It’s probably a Fallacious Crab waiting for a poor sap like you.”–Young villagers being taught about Fallacious Crabs.

The Fallacious Crabs live in the desert sands of the Region of Stone. These crabs burry themselves into the sand, hiding from sight, and wait for a thirsty or hungry creature or person to come by. They use a cactus with flowers as their lure, since the flowers normally signify that the cactus is full of water and the flower is also good to eat. Once their prey comes to the cactus, their back stingers will spring forth in attempts to bring down their prey. As this attack is quick and sudden, few have survived this trap. The crab then fests on its smashed prey’s body, taking whatever moisture and nutrients are left in it. Approaching it from behind won’t help your chances, as the crab’s tail can sense movement along the ground and it’s stingers can attack from the back just was well as it’s front.

Though the Fallacious Crabs are dangerous predators, they aren’t the most threaten creatures in the desert, and there are many that eat these crabs. This is because, while vicious fighters when they aren’t hiding, they can’t run/walk very fast because of their short legs. It’s shell may be near impenetrable, but their are two small holes in the top of the shell that allow the crab to see above it. The opening is large enough for a small blade or Elemental Blaster ammo to get through and blind the crab. The cactus it carries is also a weak point, as removing it will reveal the weakest part of its exo-skeleton.

However, these crabs are quite clever and prefer to trick opponents over direct combat. The villagers have witnessed them beat far more powerful foes and even their own predators. Leaving them high on the food chain and considered very deadly. Pics 1-3: General look around.
Pic 4: The stingers coming into action.
Pic 5: The underside, showing it’s eyes and little legs.

Turnpike Ants:

“Every creature has a lesson to teaches us. These ants, for example, have taught us a lot.”–Random Jungle Villager to his son.

Turnpike Ants are one of the most peculiar creatures on Okoto(specifically the Jungle Region), having wheels instead of feet for transportation. Their wheels have spikes to help them drive up trees and other obstacles. If need be, they can use their tentacles to help climb or swing or they can walk (yes, they still have limbs. They can still walk). Villagers have witnessed these ants traveling up to 25 MPH on the uneven jungle floor and on roads they are but a blur.

Turnpike Ants typically live in dying trees, consuming the wood that’s in the way for food while also building tunnels and roads. Using their two tentacles, the ants carry gravel and cement it into place with their saliva. With these stone-paved roads, they can travel swiftly throughout the tree. Although only an inch long at its longest, these ants will eat and carry just about anything. Wood, rocks, metal, plants, deceased insects, even islanders should one die. It has been estimated that each ant can carry something at least a thousand times its own size and weight. Swarms have even carried Mausleum Bears and huts. Though they hardly ever attack; preferring to quickly steal anything that has stopped moving for good. Despite being a bit of a pest, the islanders of Okoto had learned how to created paved roads and stone bridges from watching these ants at work. Plus they eat often what other creatures will not and keeps the jungles relatively clean of decay.

…And that’s all of them for now.


I love the different shapes, colors and variety of these plants! Also, the use of CCBS for them is phenomenal!

Most of the time when I see Fauna being made it involves system, but using CCBS is a good choice.


I love the diversity!

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The Rives, moths, and ants are awesome. The helideer, albeit a good build, has an… interesting concept. The rest are just eh.


these are really cool
how long did it take to make these ?

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Once again, great job.

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I can’t tell you how much I love these, especially the armored moth and helideer; very creative designs.


These all look amazing. Great job

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Each one of these is very unique. Nice work!

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A deer with Helicopter blades?

Where is my wallet?


@Chronicler Thanks. Though I’m not too sure of what to make of the joke.

@Hutere_the_Toa_of_Air Thanks!

@ouberry The deer always seems to surprise people, but ants with wheels is seemed as tame. I guess Sonic taught people that bugs with wheels is normal.

@Kylo_Hahli Thanks. It took around an hour for each. Though they weren’t all built at the same time. Days, weeks, and even months are between them all.

@Leoxandar Thanks!

@Stoak The moth is my favorite, it just has a cute charm to it.

@BioKnight Thanks!

@The_Owl Thanks!

@LurkingEhlek Again, I would think that most would find the deer normal for Bionicle. They have tigers and bulls with treads for back legs. Deer with helicopter blades at least make sense for how it can travel, but having normal front legs and a single tread for back legs is madness.

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These are really creative uses of CCBS! I like the design choices on most of these. Great job.

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