Akama the Broken Toa


Edited title for caps - Invader

Looks pretty good, but why is he called the “Broken Toa”?

Because of all the red pins on him duh.

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A Moc I can relate too.

Because I’m also broken.

I like how there are very few gaps on this MOC.


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Not as broken as the MOCist’s heart will be once I’ve critiqued it.


What you’ve got here, @Angel, is an okay MOC, but one that won’t stay around in people’s heads for long. Black and silver MOCs are, by and larged, ignored (or sometimes openly bashed) for being generic, though in this case you do have the sand blue to give it a bit of color. Structurally, the MOC is okay, perhaps worth cleaning up in a few places. Would advise finding a small piece such as a Toa Mata hand or Slizer foot to use as armor on the stomach, and (if you have any other good designs) rework the shins to be less blocky. Keep the chest, though, it’s a design I haven’t seen before that I think is interesting.

It seems from reading the comments that the amount of edge in your MOC’s title is something you can run with. Generally speaking you can up the edge in your MOCs by using more red in the color scheme (Which would also make the red pins on the MOC not stick out as much) or by sticking spiked or angled pieces on the MOC, which you’ve begun to do with the claws on his back. Another thing I would consider is reworking the wrist guns in such a way that the hands can extend flat from the wrists, and not always have to be angled.

Hope you find something in this critique that you find useful. I’m looking forward to seeing what all you do.


Pretty much what Hawkflight said. Also more Medium blue would be cool. And a backstory of some sort could be neat.

Tis a pretty descent moc but a bit empty in places on the leg

Not bad, but the name sounds a lot like Akamai.

Thnx and I already am hard at work on something new with the color red :wink:

Is this guy based off of Akama from The Black Temple?

Idk what that is

I was gonna say that but decided not to. Anyway great moc you receive an is gr8/10.