Alpha Lhikan

After a few light coats and finding an extra red Metru torso, here is my upgraded Lhikan.

Now he’s finally at a good height with my Tuyet, the two make quite the unit. I’ll have to see about making a Nidhiki at some point.

One thing that I was really excited about for this Project was finding the red Rakshi legs. I’d been looking for a second one for so long, since the only pair I had came with a broken one. The black plating looks nice over the red.

I’m really glad how the paint turned out on his chest. I didn’t want to paint the entire torso, just enough for it to look like he had a golden chest plate. With the red midriff, I feel this Lhikan might be the most handsome Moc I’ve got. I’ll be sure to keep him as assembled as possible in future projects.

And I…yeah.(Mata Nui help me😅)

Hope you enjoy


oo cool!
i love the paint on his torso!

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Love the caption! In all seriousness, though, it’s really nice. The paint makes the chest plate look great!


Way better design for the arms then the original, the swords look nicer that way.

I don’t really like the shin armor tho, with the open balljoints on the sides, imo doesn’t fit in with the rest of the builds, cus the rest of the figure is really solid.


Looking good. The partly-painted torso piece is really nice looking, and works pretty well. Though I do agree the ball joints on the shins are a bit jarring.


What paint did you use?

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I used a metallic gold paint from an old school project. I’d like to try again once I can find a darker pearl gold paint


really great revamp (although the black on the shins throws it off a bit) the painted torso makes him looks so much better

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