An Old Bionicle Dragon

I built this MOC a long time ago… as in May of 2021. As such, it uses mostly pre-fab limbs with a custom torso, which was kind of my “style” at that point. However, when I shared it with some friends on Scratch, it instantly became one of my most popular MOCs. People loved it (some users who weren’t even Lego fans commented on it as well!), so I’ve decided to continue its “tour.”

The inspiration for this was when I used to main Ridley in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (now Greninja is my main), and it was built only a few months after I got a few small orders of Bionicle parts. The wings are construction paper pinned to some Lego pieces, so no, you can’t buy those purple things anywhere. If you think it’s cool, I have been considering revamping it so it’s a better representation of what I like to do with my current MOCs.

Here’s a closer look at the head. It’s the only part that’s made of primarily system parts. Sorry for the bad lighting.

I also have some pictures for this thing’s instructions that I can post if anyone’s interested, but does (I think) utilize an illegal building technique in the torso to connect everything.




Kinda reminds me of a sawtooth shark

I think this is pretty cool! Dragons are always a good go-to


how old am I?

I would like to see it redone with a more accurate color scheme, as well to see what you’d do differently. This figure is rather basic, and I’m curious to see what changes you’d make.


super cool build, love the head


Not sure what you mean by “accurate,” but I do plan to eventually remake it with some fixes of certain problems now that I have some more parts and experience, most notably the upper arms.

And to answer your question, I say “long time ago” because all of my friends say that two years is a long time (despite it being really short).


Can really see that Ridley influence. Love it. The only thing that’s a little off is the wings. They seem a bit too thin and stiff, they could use a bit of curvature.


Yes, that is something that I would change now. I made a set of wings recently using technic axle connectors so that would probably be what a revamped version of this thing would use.


I would honestly love to see that at some point. See how your skills have grown.


Feels like it’s missing a lower jaw.

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It does have a lower jaw, but it just doesn’t have the teeth like the top one. Custom heads are kind of my weakness (which is why I mostly build Toa), so I couldn’t get a design I liked with teeth on the top and bottom that could also open.