Hello everyone.
Yesterday, i uploaded the Andromeda 3000.
I stated that the Andromeda 3000 is a work in progress, same goes for this one.
Sooooo… This is the Andromeda 3001, an update to the previous vehicle.
As an update, i have flipped the front engines so they face backwards on the sides.
I have, as i said built a place for another character at the back. I have also moved the engine to the back and it is now powering a spinning turret. The back seat fits any normal ccbs sets like lewa and gali.
Both figures are detacheble and can be changed to any figure with the same size. The turret on the back can be rotated 70 degrees from side to side and 40 degrees up and down. You do this by rotating the engine it self.
Like it wasnt enough with fitting 1 figure into the vehicle. 2 figures can no fit into it. The back part is how ever not done and i still need to work on it.
For all the playable functions, here is a list:
Fitts 2 figure
rotatable turrets front and back
launchers on the sides that can be articulated
working lights
spinning turret
switch for back turret
swichable figures for your own likes.
Thats about it for this time. I hope you like the new version, im really happy with it.
see ya later and have a good day.