Two in one day? Yeah, I think I can manage that. Some more rough concept art for a different character in the Bionicle Iliad project. Once I hit the proper trust level, I’ll make a single topic for all of this stuff, but for now these each work as peices of art in their own right.
again, the style is amazing, I love it
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Thanks, I really appreciate that!
You’re a fantastic artist dude, keep up the good work.
And yes I remember this moc too
looks absolutely amazing. Everything a great being should be.
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You think I’m good, you should see my cousin
I saw her yesterday, and she draws stuff in pencil and manages to make it look like it’s been printed out or something, it’s seriously mind boggling
She and her family just moved back into the area, so I may solicit her for some concept art sometime. If I do that, I’ll be sure to post it here for you guys, or have her make an account and post it.