Picked up the latest Gali last night, and just couldn’t deal with the assymetrical layout of her color scheme. Ick.
Had to rework it. I only wish I could have stayed with the azure blue for the whole build. But they don’t make azure armor pieces in the size I needed. So we’ll just have to live with this.
Dem harpoons tho. . .
Edit: based on feedback I tried some fists instead of the fingered hands. Looks pretty good, so I’m going with that. Also reworked the back armor and found some more azure pieces for the arms.
You guys are right. I think she looks better with sculpted fists. Looks more proportional. Thanks for the feedback. Changed the pics, so take a look if youre curious how it looks.
I like it overall, but the lack of being able to unify and the two shades of blue is the only problems I really have. I also prefer the Uniter mask, but that’s just personal preference.
Looks nice, and I have to say I think the Master mask does work a lot better here. The only thing I’m not really a fan of is the Vorox armor placement. From the front of the thighs it doesn’t look all the great. Perhaps it would look better if you put it on the side or swapped it with the Cody armor pieces.