Posted a Gali re-vamp their other day. Figured I’d follow up with a Lewa.
I actually really like 2016 Lewa. But one thing that I felt was missing, was that cool yellow color from the 2015 set. So I wanted to bring that into this build. But not just yellow shells though. I wanted it to be more of an accent color.
Also note that the uniter function is totally intact here, I just don’t like to leave open pegs exposed. So I put a piece of armor over them when in his normal form.
I’m also aware that his weapon is insanely oversized. But I’m a huge fan of the Dark Souls series on PS4, and the huge enormous weapons in that game are very influential on my MOC style.
I like the back and overall build but tbh, the keetorange is not working for me, it doesn’t really look well with all that silver green and trans green IMO. Also the big sword thing doesn’t fi in with Lewa, him being the sleek fast one
I like it except for the way the vorox armor is attached to the shoulders, i feel they should be attached more like how it was in the set. The way you hide the unity pegs is very nice.
Hmmmm, but Lewa 2015 was one of the bulkier sets. I don’t know the history of the character before last year. But based on that, he was much more armored than Gali or Tahu. At least he felt that way to me, with those silver shoulder guard things.