Anti angel the bringer of death

**inspired by fenrek **


Really awesome.

I will say that this build is incredible, however, it does look pretty messy and could use some cleaning up, with both the clashing textures and color placement and choices.

But it’s still really good.


Looks really cool, but the white distribution could use a little work.

Not really seeing the anti angel theme in the moc, however I must say the entire build is awesome, not only that but the colour scheme is pretty cool as

This is an incredible moc. The colours are different, and I like that. Very interesting. :slight_smile:

Can’t quite tell what’s going on with the random splashes of white. If they had rhyme or reason they could work really well but as is…ehhh, they look a tad messy or slapped on.

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Aside from the overly edgy name, this is pretty solid. The lower torso is a bit skinny though.


The build is quite solid, but the color distribution could use some work.
Also, those tires on the back bug me… They make it look like a transformer…

Yeah, not really coherent. It seems really messy. The shoulders are awkward.

Maybe some “anti angel wings”, and make a good background. Can make a big difference. Promise!

Nice MOC.

This kinda reminds me of what Eljay would look like as a Bionicle…

Seriously though, amazing job. You should be proud.

the moc is great

nah mate i found a picture of his set

/S… in retrospective it reminds me of that old build a toa game and someone tried to make lewa but there was no lewa torso


Very nicely done. I definitely get fenrek vibes from this