Any Brony Bionicle fans out there on the board?

Oh, no, I agree. #BionicleMasterRace

I won’t kill you, this time. :smiling_imp:


I am a Brony. One of my friends on DA is also Brony Bionicle fan.


It’s true. Ponies are admitably not as bad@$$ as the Bionicles, but they are still enjoyed none the less. I will not judge you if you do not like them. Different people have different opinions and that’s okay. We were not made to agree with each other, but to discover our differences and learn to see past them.


And that, my friends, is the legend of the Bionicle (and ponies as well).


It’s a good show, but I don’t really care much for anything aside from the Discord episodes, which I could watch all day every day just to hear John de Lancie’s glorious voice.


I used to be a devout Brony/Pegasister, but now I’m just kind of casual, though I have watched everything that’s currently available. My opinions are rather unpopular among the fandom, though.

Fandom: Season 2 and 4 were great!
Me: Season 1 was the best, even if Season 2 had a lot of my favorite episodes.
Fandom: The Season 4 finale was amazing and epic!
Me: The Season 4 finale was complete and utter garbage that nearly killed all interest I had in the show and even still has greatly diminished it, as it sacrificed continuity and character competency for the sake of a contrived series of events leading up to a pointless and underwhelming 0MG 3PIC ACT10N S3QU3NC3.

Fandom: The EQG spin-off movies were terrible!
Me: The first EQG movie is like Hero Factory: Lots of potential gone wasted. The second EQG movie was actually pretty good, and infinitely better than the Season 4 finale.
Fandom: G1 and G3 sucked!
Me: G3 sucked; G1 was actually really good in a cheesy, 80’s show sort of way.


The reason I’m not a brony anymore is that I lost contact with the show for a while and lost interest in it due to the fact at that time I into littlest pet shop and The aquabats and also I don’t have Hub anymore.

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I am learning stuff everyday

#warning, the following is my opinion, and my opinion alone, if it offends you, sorry

as said above, the following spoiler bar, will by my full opinions on the MLP

I have nothing against the fandom itself, just making that clear, understood? understood.

I absolutly despise MLP, again, not the fandom, just the show, before you say “its not your demographic”, let me tell you something
I do not care, its crap, its almost as bad as half the other cartoons, I will give it that, its not as bad as say teen titans go, but its bad. Nothing you can possibly do will make me change my opinion
oh, one last thing
this is really nitpicky, but it irks me when someone gets around to stating that mlp and bionicle are the same, or close to the same, they are both very different.
that just about sums it up, sorry if it offends you or whatever, and please do not comment trying to change my mind, or make a flame comment

I hope you can all respect a fellow bionicle fans opinion

oh, and as for the fandom

You can like what you like, do not let anyone tell you otherwise, I have met some legit nice bronies (@ColdGoldLazarus is def one of them, same with @Dunkey_Kong)

anyways, thats it.


I misread the title as “Any Bionicle fans on the boards”
And all I thought was u wot m8.

But nope I’m no brony.


I would love to hear your grounds and basis for said opinions.


I do not like the art style, animation, and the story premise seems a bit weird to me
Of course
I have only watched like
5 episodes
And then gave up

so uh

feel free to disregard my opinion as trash


opinions I guess, I like it.

[quote=“Carrot8o, post:35, topic:6706”]
[/quote]I have to dissagree, the animation quality is rather good imo.(when there aren’t horrible screw ups with character models.)

oddly enough, the premise is what’s most similar about them.
just change around some names and titles.

[quote=“Carrot8o, post:35, topic:6706”]
I have only watched like
5 episodes
And then gave up
[/quote]that explains a lot.

I think the show’s fine, but really not as special as people make it out to be, I mean look at how many good animated shows there are, a lot are better(imo).
I really only watched it because BIONICLE died.
and I was constantly frustrated by characters having contrived stupidity for the sake of story.
looking back at it, I give it 6.5/10. average.



tl;dr: I think the show is overpraised, but decent, however,

like what you like, and respect others who disagree.

I will continue to occasionally watch josh scorcher’s reviews though, I find them funny.


I think he’s probably one of the greatest (and depending on how nilhistic I’m feeling, only great) things about the fandom.

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what about the EWW’s by Littleshy?


Those are pretty good too, for the most part.

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You know
because I told you all.

I think I did this once, so I’m going to apologize for that. And I’m going to try to not do it again


That picture

it scares me



BAHAHAHHAHHHAHHAHAHHAHAAAHHAHAHA! no. I’d prefer it if we keep Greg Farshtey out of the Pony business, on the other hand having him writing for the show would squash the hopes of those incessant shippers…


He already killed Hewkii x Macku; I refuse to let him kill Fluttershy x Twilight! :stuck_out_tongue:

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