Any ideas for getting g1 lego sets for christmas?

I’d recommend Jaller Mahri. Good build, good design, sturdy joints, plenty of poseability, a launcher and a Rahi.

I’d actually go against Takutanuva’s suggestion of the Nui Rama, finding ones with good condition rubber bands is near impossible, which hinders the function.

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Maybe Matoro Mahri will work, if not then Nuparu Inika. Those two are really popular

Depends on if you want function or possibility.

For function Nui Rama isn’t a bad choice, but honestly I think Bohrok would be cool.

For poseibility, most sets from 2007 onward will be good. I personally like the Barraki.

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Any ideas on who to get for the phantoka?

While Lewa is cool, I find Pohatu’s play feature to be more interesting, referring to his helicopter hands

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I already have it.I thinking one of the makuta like mutran or antroz

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My pick would probably be Tahu.

Edit: If it’s a Makuta you’re after, I like Bitil. Most of the other Makuta have weird proportions aside from Antroz.

Mutran is best character and set. Get Mutran.

You mean waffle faces deformed brother



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Wow, thanks!
wait Mutran is the winner, not me.

Also the most expensive.

It’s worth it, In my opinion. do what you want, but Mutran is the best. I think. not talking from experience because i don’t have a Mutran but i read the Mutran chronicles and he captured my imagination forevermore.

@Enbeanie i probably be getting it on ebay so maybe ill find a decent price

I found one on there for $40 a few years ago. The sellers usually say if there is or not. Plus its not like small rubber bands are expensive

Glad you have settled on an option, although of course beware the lime joints yada yada…


Yea they suck

I thought the lime joints were only an issue in the 2007 batch? Ofc all the squared off joints from 2008 are super brittle anyways…

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If you’d like to get a few smaller sets (or a big set) I still have a few sets I’d like to sell to a good home, you’re welcome to check out my topic, I’m sure we could work out a good deal. :slight_smile:
They don’t have the canisters or instructions though

I’d recommend either a vehicle set like the rockoh T6 or the Cendox V1
If you wanna get them a figure, i would recommend one of the barraki or a toa metru

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I always feel that big sets hit the spot for something special. Something like an axalara t9 or a skopio xv-1 if you can find them for a reasonable price.

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