Anyone has a link to the source where Greg stated that yellow is Lhikan's secondary color instead of gold?

  1. Is it true that Lhikan’s mask is a yellow Hau?
    Yes .

Here you go the question makes it unclear if they are talking about set lhikan or movie Lhikan here. Its also not clear on the armor being yellow.

Edit: also found this

14) And the last one - Is the golden color on the Lhikan set Metruan yellow?
14) Don’t know. I have only seen the prototype, I don’t know what the actual set looks like.


Greg described Lhikan’s Hau yellow in Bionicle Adventures #4 Legends of Metru Nui


As others have said, Lhikan’s Hau has been described as yellow many times:

More importantly, though, Greg has also made the distinction that Lhikan’s armour is not the same colour as Iruini’s** and is instead “yellow-gold”, despite the fact that they are the same colour in the sets:

**The quote says “Norik”, but this is clearly a typo.


Maybe it’s also worth to mention that in both BL4 and BL5, Lhikan was described correctly as red and gold. Seeing that Greg only knew about the prototype when writing the 2004 story, and correcting himself after he saw the actual set and the movie, which both depicts Lhikan gold feels logical to me.


The movie depicts him as red, gold and yellow :stuck_out_tongue: He uses the same yellow for the mask as Jaller.


I always saw Jaller’s movie yellow as warm gold lol


All of the characters are shiny and metallic, so yellow can look like a shade of gold. Likewise, I believe Kopaka mata was once described as “silver”

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