Arbol the Dark Eldil Slayer

I’m not gonna emphasize backstory, primarily because I don’t have one and the name was shamelessly ripped from C. S. Lewis’s space trilogy, but here’s this guy.
He’s a pretty basic ccbs build, but I’m pretty happy with some of the unique features, like the horns and the wings, (although he suffers heavily from blue pin/red axle disease)


Certainly interesting, I really like the thighs/upper legs, and the horns aren’t too bad either. The limbs can be a bit static, though, but don’t detract too much. As well, the scythe could do with a less harsh angle, unless it’s an axe and I’m reading it all wrong. Overall, I do like it, but it does have a few flaws.

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Never thought I’d see a MOC based on Lewis’ Space Trilogy.

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The wings are well-built, though I can’t say the silver goes well with the rest of the MOC. Using thornax launchers for the thighs is pretty cool, though.

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Did you read that series? I thought it was great

I wouldn’t see how that weapon would work tbh. Axe-shaped scythe? How would you cut any foes with that?

Yeah lol the weapon was kinda improvised tbh

weird how it is called “tree” but it dont look like a tree at all

In C.S. Lewis’s space trilogy, Arbol means ‘the sun’

The root word for tree that you are thinking of is arbor, or arboris

I did indeed. I actually like it better than Narnia.

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Kinda glad I took it apart tbh