Arcana: the downfall

“Besides. What’s so wrong about magic going away in the first place? If you ask me, I say we’re better off without it.”

“If you ask me, you’re just an idiot who can’t understand how to do it, and as such doesn’t know how important and powerful it really is.”

“Powerful yes. But its the importance that’s the problem. You people rely so heavily on a force that can’t be understood. I don’t need to know how to use magic, because I have something much better.”

“Rusty pieces of scrap?” Isadau scoffed. “Please.” Those things’ll fail the first day their out in some bad weather." He leans on his staff once more. “Besides, just because you can’t understand it doesn’t mean others can’t.” He said.

Saras stood up, stretching. He didn’t want to, but he was ready to jump in and stop a fight if one broke out.

“First of all, my machines can withstand more than any normal person can.”
Alpha walked up next to him, and Edward patted him on the top. Alpha seemed to appreciate this.

“And really, just how much do you know about magic? How much can you explain? How does it work? Where does it come from? Why are there different types of it? What would happen if it all vanished one day? How would you get more? You can’t answer all of those. But I can. Not with magic, but electricity!”

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He steps forward. “I can explain that it is a force of nature, same as gravity or energy. That it works by drawing upon the forces of the world and the wielder to create and manipulate the spell. That it comes from the gods, same as all else. That the different types are simply emulating the powers of the world.” He continues, his tone getting more angry as he does so, taking another step. “That you ‘get more’ through years upon years upon years of study. And as for what would happen if it vanished?” He chuckles, before turning grim. “Chaos. It it one of the foundations for the world and civilization as we know it. Without it, much more damage would be created than you could possibly imagine with your limited, simplistic thinking.”

Saras fakes another stretch, his hand reaching for his sword, just in case.

“Oh I’m the simple minded one now? Look around spell head! Your precious magic is failing you! Meanwhile the power I use is as plentiful than ever! It’s not so strictly tied to the gods like magic is. Electricity comes from science and facts. Lightning, energy, power. I can explain it all to the atomic level.”

Beta noticed Seras’ motion and looked at him. The emotion was hard to read, but there was clearly no aggression.

“And yet you don’t take into account that electricity is a type of magic!” Isadau exclaims. “Who’s to say if magical electricity goes, that your precious ‘science and facts’ isn’t far behind it!”

Saras jerked his head towards Isadau, as if he was the one he was worried about.

Oliver facepalmed, why did Lux want such a heathen on the journey?


Edward rose on four of his mechanical legs. All of his heated emotion vanished in an instant. He then spoke back into the recorder.

“Data Log 305. Magic users are just as close minded to change as I predicted. However, given a new development relating to a possible loss of magic on a global scale, this may change.”

“Me? Close minded?” Isadau laughed. “If that’s even the truth, than you’re one to talk.” He responds.

“Magic is unreliable and unpredictable. Much more so than electricity. I simply do what I do because when magic fails and the world goes mad, I want to be the man on top.”
He said quite calmly.

“can I slap him again?”

“Let me.” Isadau growled, dropping his staff as his right hand began to collect frost, specifically near his fingertips, winding back slightly for a hit.

Saras reached for his blade, then stopped, going instead for his shield.

Edward stood calm and unmoving.

Frostvin watched the fight.
He walked in between the two and formed an ice wall, blocking them from attacking each other. “Now now, you don’t want to die right now. save that for later, when it’s actually worth something and you’ve done some good in your lives for once.” He said with snark.

“this is going to be fun,” muttered Oliver sarcastically

Frosting raised an eyebrow. “You put this together, not me. You brought these two along.”

“Trust me. I had no intention of retaliation.”
Edward said calmly.

“they were guided here but Lux’s light.”