Entry Photo:
We know. We know… Dark Turquoise/teal is a risky take on Artahka because he is described as Gray-green. But hear us out:
Turquoise is just a nuance of blue and green, so technically it is up to your interpretation of the Colour green, although some Cultures describe Blue through Green and often used one Word for both.
Besides that, we sadly didn’t have much Sandgreen Pieces on hand and didn’t want to throw our Creation in Studio and give it some Impossible Pieces. Which would look cool and more accurate but wouldn’t be acquirable. Just in Case we would somehow win against these other incredible Contestants, we wanted our Build to be Reproducible.
On the Optic aspects, we didn’t want to let it look like a Ben 10 Figurine, Gen 2/Hero Factory Model or a definitely as a MOC recognized super complicated ultra-build that would still look pretty awesome but would just be too much to be a real an cool felling Bionicle set, you know?
No. We wanted something that feels like Bionicle, resembles the feels and the looks but still something different and new.
We Imagine Artakha as a kind of Protagonist, like Takanuva or Ekimu and the Opposite of his corrupted Brother Karzahni, but also Mysteries like that one Pic of the Kanohi Suletu Prototype hence the Mask. (for now)
We gave him Kraata canister Lids to make him bulky like the 2008 Takanuva. But more importantly because these lids are covered in six Bionicle Letters, also called Runes. Perfect. Bop three on there and done. Feels like we compensated for the Turquoise there by being one of the only Entries using Runes. In addition we used other parts slightly resembling Runes, like the Feet and the Metru knee Cover as well.
Arhtaka was one of the first Beings created by the Great Beings. He was an Engineer, who created the Toa Mata, the Avohkii and multiple weapons for the Order of Mata Nui but also gave the Phantoka and Mistika Toa Nuva their Weapons and Armor. Knowing his creations, we get to know a little bit more about the Creator, because most creations always tell something about their creator. Makers with a big ego often model things after their need or as a sort of extension of themselves and we think a guy who named a whole island after himself would do the same.
So, we tried to combine the Mata Era with the Phantoka/Mistika counterparts. Combining “End” and Beginning, giving Artakah a new style with familiar features… The Turquoise colour should tie in with the Mata Colour scheme, using Slizer/Throwbot and Tarakava pieces helped making him look more technic and robot like. We used Grey and 2008 pieces, also adding big and round shapes to make him seem more like a Phantoka limited set but not quite.
Hose, Hydraulics and trans-black Throwbot Visors to make Artakas visual appearance slightly resemble the giant Mata Nui Robot. In our minds it made sense to make him look more like a prototype and engineer.
A Mask Maker needs a Hammer. We thought Hartakas Hammer would be more like a Crafting Tool, like Ekimus and no War Hammer. He is no Warlord after all. Still it should be able to be used as a weapon. We wanted to give it some Function, so you can swing it and not break masks by hitting them. Its pretty self explanatory.
It do be Standing 10 Feet tall
Meet the Creators
Hi There, to make things “short” we shall introduce ourselves:
We are Brothers from Germany, so excuse some Grammar mistakes, its not our first language and its 1am here.
We also like Bionicle a lot and are massive Bionicle Collectors and even bigger fans.
Currently we’re making and working on Instructions for various builds with unreleased or never made instructions like Mutated Brutaka (MOC), Fikou Nui (LoMN), Pit Prisoners (Contest Winners) Electric Spider, Lightning Bug and other old Rahis without a released set. Some Dark Hunters such as Gatherer, Eliminator and Airwatcher are already on our Deviantart side if your care to Visit us. In Case of our Model finishing on a good Spot, we’ll gladly release Instructions for this Version of Artakha.
Sorry for the self-promoting
After already accumulating a giant Collection of not only Bionicle sets, but its successor and predecessor we thought to ourselves what else is there after collecting’em all?
Thankfully TTV and Greg Farshtey gave us this huge Opportunity.
We knew what we wanted, to give Bionicle something back, to give something to the most faithful community, for all those joyful years playing with Bionicle while growing up. We somehow want to contribute to this giant Story, this phenomenon. Something we saw begin and end, but not die, because this contest exactly what Bionicle is, the Fans.
We hope you Enjoy our entry and always love to hear your opinions and feedback.
Kind Regards