Nothing needs to be painted! Although I did struggle finding the armour for his heels, those, and everything that is sand green here, exist in official sets. Knowing folks will be wanting to build these at home, I wanted to make things nice and hassle-free that way. Note the Heroica tile on the chest with the runes and the C-3PO 3x3 dishes, those are official patterns too. Fans of Muaka and Kane-Ra will remember that printed tiles are indeed on-theme!
Functioning gear mechanism for arm rotation, the shoulder blades are attached at the shoulder and they rotate approximately 50 degrees each direction before the gear hits the stop.
Absolutely love the Mata body for the hammer, reminds me of that one weird pump in Ga-Koro in MNOG. Also wicked impressed with you managing to fill out his armor with all real sand green parts, that’s no easy feat and it looks absolutely great. I especially like the use of the old dinosaur parts, which were the only major repository of sand green parts I could find in my collection outside Zaktan and that one Ben 10 guy. I also incorporated them in my Artakha and felt kind of cheeky about it lol
Thanks all for the positive messages! I have been dutifully selecting and retouching a last few photographs for you. Two breakdowns, and two meetings, just for fun!
Actual sand green pieces? A fitting aesthetic? Clever part usage everywhere? And on top of all that, a perfectly-integrated gear function? Yep, this is definitely getting my first vote in Poll Nine.