Artakha - The Creator (Canon Contest #2: Meet the Maker)

Greetings everyone,

The time has come today, the Artakha moc contest is open and I’ve been waiting for this opportunity for about 3 years now, I couldn’t believe that a chance like this could come one day, but now is true, after taking all the afternoon to read the rules about the contest and change some minor things about my moc, like the shades of green, I finish my Artakha proposal.

For this post I present the next photos:

Entry Photo




Break photos are included here, as it was requested and I would like to propose the instructions I prepare for my Moc to take a better look, it will be on my Flickr site, If it is necessary, in any case the photos that I post here are not enough. It details better the structure of my moc, but one thing about it, is that it contains sand-green, dark green and trans-drak-green for some parts, I take many days making the photos, about the assamble of the moc and really it was so hard to not get annoyed with how many steps it was, and with the rule of only one shade of green, well, it took me.

Just if it is requested, I will share it, also, if there is any reason to delete the link, I respect that decision and will be posting just the break photos and as many as the contest needs it.

Being said that, here are some other photos about the first appearance of Artakha in Reign of Shadows and a extra photo.

Final thoughts, The mask I used here is not the G2 mask we know, as apparently everyone had notice, I respect the mask, but like the previous contest (Helryx and the rise of bendryx) I would like to see the many designs of the mask of creation, something different or something similar to the G2 mask seems like something worth it. I already worked with a mask of creation from a forger of Shapeways, but for this contest I do not pretend to use that 3D mask. Other designs looks cool, I have seen only 2 more of the mask of creation, and they are great, but I didn’t have the resources to add it here.

Also, I wanted to respected that vibe of the G1 style, so I look for hours how are build some of the titans from G1 that we had over the years and wanted to start something different from Brutaka, Axonn, Takanuva 08’, Toa Mata nui, Roodaka and many others, so I came up with Maxilos, I read that was make by Artakha, so I tough it had to resemble a similar look but not make it exactly like Maxilos, that’s why some sections are inspired and a bit of the style is kind of human, opposable fingers, arms not so long as legs, at the end, I stood up with pieces of the first generation, but also I try to take some post G1 technic pieces for my moc, not many.

And now, I hope everyone liked it, It has a bit of every year of Bionicle and I really wanted to make a moc that could be as what Artakha may look like, didn’t want to overwhelm it and didn’t want to make it so simple.

Here was, my moc, any further request, let me know.


All in favor of renaming the contest to ‘Meet the Chonker’ say “Aye”.

Haha. Well done. Like the massive hammer and the lower torso armor really gives off one a knight-like chainmail armor.

If you haven’t, make sure to link your topic here to officially enter: BIONICLE Canon Contest #2: Meet the Maker - #182 by TheJerminator

-Solaris Magnus.


Ah, much nicer proportions than many I’ve seen so far. Very nice!


This is definitely one of my faves. One mask I think would be perfect for this moc is one of the wider concept designs for the mask of creation in gen 2


I remember seeing many variants of the design before the official mask, and yep, using of the ones that didn’t make it could be neat after this contest.

Thanks!, I had to pay attention to the structure a lot of time.

I know the mask is placeholder but I wish you used something other than the mahiki, as it makes him look like gigapiruk. Putting that aside, I like the implementation of the mistika shields, hordika heads, and the big wheels for the hammer.


I also was hopping to use another mask, a 3D mask actually made by Scarabax Forgeries in Shapeways was my first option since 2018, and I got that mask, used it, painted and give the ornaments style, but for this contest was not allowed by the creator, so I had to make a change of last minute, actually, since the contest started, also KhingK’s mask of creation is perfect, I really love the mask but with the quarantine Arc is difficult to order and send packages.

I knew someone will come with the Piruk joke, I was expecting this actually, but it was this mask, or put Defilak’s mask or just put no mask, but I didn’t want to have that empty space on the head and look like a giant with a tiny head, so, it was a risk I had to take. Also if I had put on the Defilak mask, may have been Mega Defilak.

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Ah, that’s perfectly reasonable - although a chrome Hau might work as a placeholder. KhingK’s mask would look good on Artakha. Pretty sure it can be photoshopped on if a picture is taken of your Artakha moc without his mask?

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Yeah the Chrome Hau seems dope too. Actually didn’t considered that on my options now that I’m thinking it, since the rules were 60% green, I didn’t know if it was enough green, so I had to make the decision with just dark-green masks, but yeah! I think a photoshop version could be better, I don’t know how to do it, I planned too, but I thought I will ruined.

If someone wants to make a photoshop version with the KhingK’s mask of creation, I could post my moc without mask in another Topic. It would help me out how it looks with that kanohi.

Sounds like a good idea. @MaskMaker was able to photoshop the masks made for the artwork contest with ease.

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Awesome! then I gonna start working on the pictures without mask to see if @MaskMaker wants to do a photoshop work, may not be for the contest or maybe I can change the pictures I post here for including the KnighK’s mask.

I don’t know if there is a rule about it, but if it is not allowed, then at least It could be a good souvenir to upload later here on moc creations or in my Flickr site giving the right credits.

Looks a lot better with the mask you wanted to use initially. The entry period is three weeks so you might have enough time to get it? Up to you.


that is a large MOC. How’s its balance?

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I like it

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Wooaaaa man, Looks a lot better with this mask, I know it is photoshop but now I’m seriously gonna get this mask for my moc.

Yep I think I could have the mask finished with the painting job of the ornaments, it took me time to get the right colors but weeks ago I recreated how to make sand-green and many others, I could use it to paint the ornaments with dark-green or sand-green, in real fact, my plan was to paint all the dark-G with the sand-G I prepare, but there is a rule for a limit of painted pieces, it wouldn’t be allowed to paint all, and just a few, wouldn´t be great too.

Now, I have plans to get the mask as soon as possible, actually I got a friend whom has an extra KnighK’s mask of creation printed in my city so I would try to talk with him and see If he can sell me his mask to upgrade my post.

I going to try to work quickly. Thanks man!


I’m sure they’ll be fine with a small yet significant change but be sure to keep this in mind.

Painting the runes is great but it might be best if that’s saved for the art contest, given the rules on one paint per piece. :+1:

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Ask first.


That’s an intricate question, but I think you’re talking about the stability of the moc, if that is the case, well let me explain it, I took a lot of test on the legs, since the begining of 2019, I have been going by many iterations of it, when I first designed it entirely, I just got the body, the arms and the back but with the legs, I just got in mind how they were going to be, but I didn’t have completed the model for the feet, so when my final order from bricklink came with the technic pieces I needed, I completed the legs, in real fact, they were supposed to be larger but after seeing it in real life, I had to make changes.

So, after finish the legs, The feet took me all night long, and for summary this part, the first iteration were longer but wayyy longer, almost impossible to sit properly, so time later I designed again the feet and looks different from the first form, the second version here in the post was actually inspired from the Kikanalo’s feet, but of course, with some modifications, more Hordika feet and less pieces than what I expected.

The back of the feet, It had to match with the upper legs, I’m talking about the pistons and how not to make it fall appart or fall backwards, and It had to pass these test:

  1. How to connect properly with enough pieces
  2. How to make the piston not to separate from the axle of the foot (Which was the most difficult since I also had to work with the Metru-torso) and,
  3. How to not make it clash with the head conection of the metru torso

After working on it, i finally get it, solve all the problems but I got one last:

Upper section:

  • How to make the lower conecction of the torso go with the upper part of the legs, that also go by some test:
  1. Mobility
  2. Stability, and,
  3. Don’t make it go to open like a cheerleader.

That’s why the metru arms go it, to help on the mobility and solved the third problem. The second one was actually solved with replacing joints that were loose. And that’s all, that is the balance of the legs.

Yeahhhh, I going to ask once I have the mask completed, really don’t want to make so much expectations and don’t wanna waste a question on it right now, might be when I’m finally get the mask, one day before the modification I’m going to ask.

And yep, it’s better for the contest just keep it with a shade of silver.

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