asiuk - the ultimate mercenary

species: fusion of konihi (hydraxon’s species), toas of sonics, shadow n fungus
elements: shadow, sonics n fungus
kanohi: vortkuvero - fused mask of stealth, adaptation, scavenging n strategy
weapons: tuhoa, stotvog
tool: infinity bag
pronunciation: ah-SEE-ook
mask: Pilot Adapted Hau Nuva by Rothanak - Thingiverse

asiuk is a genetially engineered mercenary.
in the early days of constructing the great spirit robot, a group of great beings created a more personal project. they combined a toa of sonics, a toa of shadow, a toa of fungus and a konihi (hydraxon’s species). their minds were dormant, unactivated. the great beings placed special chips n shielding in his mind to prevent them from clashing, being read, manipulated or otherwise collapsing. they fused 4 masks together into 1, created a devastating railgun n forged the sharpest blades n the toughest armors made from an alloy of protosteel, exsidian n the outer metals of the great spirit robot.
the great beings activated the fused mercenary known as asiuk just 2 days before the shattering. when that occurred, asiuk was already in the matoran universe. he took on countless bounties, killed countless beings n got ever stronger w the scavenging power of his 4 fold mask. over the next 100 millennia, he began viewing life less as beings n creatures w rights n as just targets he hasn’t killed yet. he rejected recruitment from both the dark hunters n the brotherhood of makuta. both factions have sent operatives to eliminate him, but each met the same gruesome fate. the order of mata nui have had him on their watchlist for several millennia.
when makuta teridax took over the matoran universe, he reluctantly joined the resistance. believing in personal freedom above all else, he n the resistance cut thru endless hoards of rahkshi n visorak. when spherus magna was reunited n the matoran universe damaged beyond repair, he n everyone else evacuated to spherus magna. he enjoyed the new world n its many challenges. the order of mata nui found him n gave him a most dangerous bounty: velika.
asiuk is a standoffish loner. he views himself as an “other”, forever destined to be alone, lest someone use an attachment against him. he lives for the thrill of each kill n views himself as the ultimate killer. he loves challenging prey; in his own words, “the craftier, the better.” he hates the great beings for making him out of 4 different beings n hopes to one day add the great beings who made him to his ever-growing list of kills. 100 millennia of successful kills made him moderately arrogant, starting to believe he really is unbeatable.
==weapons n abilities==
asiuk has the elements of sonics, shadow n fungus. he has all the powers of all 3 of those elements. he often eats mushrooms n meat from his prey as he’s part konihi n needs to eat.
asiuk carries a devastating railgun called the tuhoa. w it, he can fire a powerful electromagnetic bolts at 15 times the speed if sound. he uses the tuhoa on targets from longer distances or for a instant, bloody kill at close range. asiuk was given a pair of retractable blades known as the stotvog. both blades are made of an indestructible alloy of protosteel, exsidian n the outer metals of the gsr. the stotvag can cut thru anything he wants when he uses sonics to vibrate them @ the right frequency.
asiuk wears the kanohi vortkuvero, the 4 fold mask of stealth, adaptation, scavenging n strategy. w it he can render himself almost completely invisible, adapt to any environment, combat situation or weather, be unable to be defeated the same way twice, mentally reach out n absorb the trace energies from his fresh kills n formulate a strategy that has a 95% chance of success. this mask has proved invaluable to him n as he’s a fusion of 4 beings, only he can use it. he carries an infinity bag w him to carry anything he wants or needs: food, medicine, traps, bombs n much more.
asiuk is based on the yautja species from the predator franchise
“asiuk” is the inuttut word for “disappear”, in reference to his 4 fold mask’s stealth ability.
“tuhoa” is the finnish word for “devastation”
“stötvåg” is the swedish word for “shock wave”