Assassin's Creed Hidden Blade (Prototype)

well I made the hidden blade from Assassins Creed but this is only a Prototype model here are the pictures
there are 2 pictures without it on my arm

then there are 2 pictures with it on my arm

please give your opinion but just remember it’s a Prototype


*hidden blade

Seems sturdy enough.


yeah just need to work on it

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This looks pretty cool. Jaller Mahri’s blade was a good choice. I’m looking forward to seeing the finished product.

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Never played the games, but this does look pretty cool.

I tried to make one of these once and it was awful compared to this. I’m looking forward to seeing the finished version

you can always try the method I used build around your arm with beams that bend or just copy my model and change how tight you want it

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At first I read this “Alternating Current”.
I’m glad I was wrong, this looks good.

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