Assassins creed movie topic

so they released the trailer, and I’m strangely optimistic about how this will turn out as it looks like the first GOOD movie game



It was cool i guess, didn’t fill me with the hype i was expecting, the parkour felt a little odd and the music was a gross option.

Other than that, i’d say it looks promising.


yeah that seems to be a very common critique

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Seems decent.
More than I can say for most movie video games…

Didn’t ratchet and clank just come out?

I heard good things about that.



Out of all the three gaming movies coming out, Assassins Creed, Warcraft, and Angry Birds, I only expect Angry Birds to be good. The other two are very easy to screw up, and right now they kinda did with the trailers, casting choices, and movie development decisions.

Hopefully Im wrong and this starts a glorious age of game related movies and not another Super Mario Brothers dark age.

Video game movies will never be good. Ever. Unless someone enters the cheat code.

Pfff, no, they will when someone takes time and care into making it a good movie instead of a cash grab.

Well this don’t look like that.

You are kinda right, but we wont know the full picture until we actual see the first reviews popping up.

Always, Always, always, Expect the Spanish inquisition

You know how the games just got a reboot? The movie is just the cutscenes from the new game. And not even all of them.

Yeah, It’s not great.

I liked it. Minus the music, it looks good.

this looks pretty good it will be among movies such as prince of persia and (Hopefully) Warcraft

The music absolutely destroyed any hype i had for the movie based on the iniital concept of a movie about an Assassin. The plotline that was shown in the trailer just sounded generic and cheesy, overall rather dull.

Someone slits someone’s throat at roughly 1:19 yet there is no blood and the person barely reacts to it =/

This version below kind of fixes the music problem, however it just feels like this would be one of those movies you see on a sci-fi channel - rather than a cinematic release.

I haven’t played any of the Assassins Creed games but I’ve seen cinematics of the kills and general style, and this trailer has none of that. The kills all seem slow and rather dull - where is the idea of jumping down on someone from a rooftop or blending in with the crowd and then killing someone silently?

Back where ubisoft left it, the first game.

The movie looks like it is going to be the best of the year, (Don’t quote me on this if the movie is terrible.) what game is this based on? Or is it a in between title just for canon story telling.[quote=“Payinku, post:5, topic:23304”]

*Has horrible flashbacks from 1478

They just keep making Video Game movies, don’t they…