At Destral's Gate: Honor Guard

Dude, i know some people are good at drawing and digital painting, but, dang, you are very good


Yeah, nice work.

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This is one sick piece of artwork! The other 5 Toa are easy to spot, but Pouks is kinda difficult to make out.


A bit of a soft addendum, but here’s the original image that kicked off the Kualus design, likely not contest “legal” so not posting it in the same message as the in the topic section/Bomonga+Kualus Crops:


Looks real nice I also like the file name for the him


I’m not a fan of Kualus havng metallic blue, but this might have my vote just for the Makooti mask. I’ve seen a lot of entries using it (mostly Kualus, for some reason), and I think it would be awesome if we could get the design canonized.

That’s actually a board inspired off Comic 25. I really liked the idea of Bomonga at one point grabbing one of the Visorak Battle Rams and chucking it at the enemy lines. It makes no tactical sense, but I think perfectly taps into that “having fun just having the toys fight” vibe that sometimes gets lost in the minutia of Bionicle as a story.


Hey @Perp3tual I am recreating these toa hagah and am stuck on bomongas chestplate (and the way the komau is connected on the shoulder has been changed for legality) what piece is that supposed to be?

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Joo… this is amazing

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Bomonga is a human kid playing with the Visorak bionicle sets :joy:

Mask designs are excellent looking, I am rooting for Kualus especially purely because I want the Makooti mask to become canon


It’s a Metru Foot in gold on the 4L pin; Double and Galva’s have entries that also use that build idea. The main difference is that I have a Mahri shoulder rest on top of the chest using the Technic 1 connector with a pin hole and single axle hole.


Kualus is pretty close; main difference is I had in mind to shove a couple of Slizer feet under neither the armor to fill out the space while keeping the rotation of the Nuva Shoulder.

Pouks should use the Sidorak Gears and KK armor for his arms. Theirs a nice continuity of stronk those parts envoke when aligned together. His lower arms in my art are Vahki legs as well.

Gaaki’s almost there: the filler on the side of her legs in the rough moc were envisioned to be the 3L pin with Axle Hole to homage Gali’s pin hips. The Mahri armor should also be inset 1 axle hole length more that what you have atm with Metru Leg Armor underneath.

Bomonga is meant to have Kalmah armor shoulder pauldrons that attach on the furthest down axle hole to the balljoint of the arm with Metru Armor underneath.


Wow, these are so good.

Why are you so good??


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Good now all of them should be accurate.
On pouks: the shoulder armour and the sidorak gears would be there but I currently don’t have any I could use.

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Gotcha. Still, good to have in text for anyone else that’s trying to rebuild these guys.


I’m trying to recreate your hagah like Senit and for Bomonga is the should armor something like this?


It’s the axle hole furthest left on the image; Bomonga’s arms are also 5L outward rather than the standard 4L.


I recreated your Hagah in and I know some details are hidden behind the shields but how accurate are these?


Kualus has a Guurahk spear tip to match the texture that runs down the center of his mask. Everyone else is pretty on point.