Athens Arch of Hadrian

I tried to post this a while ago, but the image file was screwed up and I didn’t have the moc on me anymore. I made this for a math project in which my teacher wanted us to create a model of a historical arch, and have it to scale so that we could demonstrate the parabola and such. I figured I might as well have some fun and built it out of Lego. It got an A, so I must have done a decent job.

I used this for reference: The model and reference pic are based on the arch before weathering and time had taken their toll. The pillars and wall in the back of the attic aren’t there now. Anyway, tell me what you think!


I really like the shaping.

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Looks a lot like the picture, nice work.


Oooooh weeee this looks good!


Ironic, I saw this just as I finished my Global homework on the Greeks. Anyway, this look really good! Simple but the textured bricks really make this stand out. Glad to see someone else make school projects out of Lego!!!


Thank you!


Do you still have the measurements by any chance? I wanted to make a scale model and can not seem to find measurements.


To be honest, it was so long ago I don’t remember what I used. This seems like it may be helpful, but I just skimmed it just now:'s_arch's_from_Roman_period_Jordan_A_comparative_study#pf6. Other than that I would just keep googling the dimensions and try to extrapolate what you can from the picture and drawings. Sorry I couldn’t be of more help!

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