I wanted to make a big moc that represented an ancient warrior. I named him after the Greek Titan Atlas who was condemned to hold up the sky for eternity. It’s still a work in progress so any suggestions are helpful!
Wow. Just. Wow.
The moc as an incredible sense of presence to it given to it by its size. I’d personally love to see how you built it.
it has a great size, but I dont like how it looks
Wow, that thing. Words can not describe how awesome that is!
Changed Catergories
It’s big, but has a lot of clashing textures and the armor doesn’t flow all too well.
Wow. Usually something at this scale isn’t as visually interesting, but this guy sure is. I love the head, but the other details are fantastic as well.
This looks immense! Could we get some front full body shots?
that spine looks fantastic and so does the head, but the skirt looks a little awkward, nice moc overall
I cant help you there, I just dont like how massive mocs look because of the pieces used
Wow, this is incredible! Definitely looks like he could hold up the sky!
HOLY MOTHER OF GOD!. That is a big and really cool thing.
This is the biggest self-MOC I have ever seen.
B I G !
mata nui! that is impressive
Size is incredible.
Needs a bit more cohesion.
Looks great! The only thing I would like to see is a tad bit more red incorporated into the build, other than that I really dig this
It’s huge
Oh cute, he found a fraggle. No wait that’s just Ekimu.
Very solid. But… even though it has an impressive height and is build and armored really well… it looks also really bland and “boring”. My intention is not to insult you and your work but to me it appears as said before bland and a bit boring. But despite that it is an impressive MOC… but has not that much more that speaks for it when you take the size away
It’s a bit disproportionate, and it looks a bit bland from the back.