While I still don’t like the blade-heavy-side set of the art’s described piece, at least it can still be tweaked a little for those of us who crave aesthetic consistency. So, here’s the Avalanche Spear spearhead with a Technic hole, just like nearly every other Bionicle tool.
Thingiverse is a site where users can upload 3d models to share publicly. You may want to utilize that, or the google drive method Sokoda uses to share his weekly build stud.io files.
Yes, integrity is important. But also, the artwork only has one hole/dimple, and there is no changing that fact. However, there have been other cases within set waves where there was a dissimilarity between number of holes, and even where they are placed. Take the Seismic Spear for example: it too has a neck before the hole, which is different from all the others. But there have been tools such as the Bohrok Stone Shield, Kopaka Mata’s Ice Sword, and Toa Nuju’s Crystal Climbers that have had a similar separation, so I don’t mind this difference too much.
@Enbeanie - My main issue lied with there being no hole at all. The only other example I can think of off the top of my head would be the Bohrok-kal Vacuum Shield piece. But that piece had an excuse, as its open structure wouldn’t allow for a nicely placed technic hole. This sword piece, however, doesn’t have such excuse. That’s why I edited one in.