I may have posted this one before. Just a quick sketch of Nightbird emerging from shallow water near a riverfront parking lot.
Here I imagined a camouflaged Autobot base, hidden in a hologram-enhanced abandoned factory.
This ‘bot doesn’t yet have a name. Vehicle mode is a cab-over cement mixer, one of the ones that has the barrel mounted over the cab and powered by a rear-mounted engine.
This is my attempt at a Pretender, a Cybertronian that can imitate the appearance of organic, human-sized organisms using an outer shell of artificial flesh, similarly to the Terminator.
And finally, an action shot of Bumblebee either smashing through a wall of boxes, or recovering from being thrown into them. I finally got around to drawing something that wasn’t a static pose! The design here was inspired by a concept by Shane Baxley, one of the designers for the recent movie.