Banished Makuta

Well here is my entry to the contest. It aint much but its something. I’ll be posting it’s bone structure and its construction for all to see when the contest is over for obvious reasons.


The torso is a bit long for the proportions.

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The torso armour is very strange.


the torso is oddly proportioned, and the thighs are way too skinny, along with the arms and the winds.

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The torso has waaaay too many things going on at once.

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I do like the idea of a big glowing sphere in the chest, but his head looks like it’s getting eaten. Maybe switch it around so the chest-ball has a bunch of overlapping plates surrounding it instead of the head.

I’m not a fan of how skinny the legs look.

The torso seems really long and cluttered, but other than that, the MOC looks pretty good.

Thanks for the suggestion guys. I’m working another version of him where I take the best aspects of this moc and the previous iteration into one.

That being said, he’s been disassembled, but served its purpose as an entry to the contest in hopes of being drawn out for an artwork :stuck_out_tongue:

Why red?

I lack enough of other colors, unfortunately. I’m always on a budget on what I could buy. Red is just what I have more of to have a consistent color scheme. I have lots of black too but black tends to wash a lot of it’s own details away.


I like the limbs, but the torso is extremely messy.

I like the idea of the chest orb, but clean up the messy armor. If you do, it’ll be perfect!