TTV Cast, Please Read This!
Good evening. On the last Brickonicle Brainstorm, this pitch of the Barraki and Mahri Nui got mentioned, and it is possible the cast might talk about it more in the next one, of which I’m really thankful.
This post is to inform the Cast of some controversial topics in this pitch, that I want to justify before they are talked about and possibly disregarded/rejected on the podcast. @Jon, @IllustriousVar please give it a look!
- Karzahni being present (Outdated, Karzahni was already removed from the pitch)
Yes, this is a very controversial topic that I know will most likely get rejected outright, and I wanted to even remove it from the pitch, but decided against it, since it is a pitch and it’s job is to flesh out every possible idea.
You even suggested Ekimu being present in Mahri Nui. I am not sure how that would work, but I am ready to get Karzahni out of the pitch and Ekimu in, also because there is another pitch that does Karzahni better.
- Mantax being a sorcerer
Yes, this most likely does contradict the canon. My justification for this is that most of what is known about Mantax are lies and rumors. Tiro has been pitched as being isolated for decades during his reign.
He may have used the mask powers to do really weird shenanigans, but it doesn’t have to be a necromantic magic, because I know you will be hesitant to add it to Brickonicle, if even you’ll think about it.
So yeah, Mantax most likely isn’t a mage, warlock or necromancer, but people think he is.
- Nocturn being a Lightning Matoran
Yes, that is truly controversial and will be hard to somehow make in symbiosis with the canon. It came to me from the top of my head during the writing of this thread.
It’d give Nocturn something interesting to his character. But I know this will most likely be rejected by the cast, Either way, it’s a pitch! Some stuff has to go away!
- Cruelty and dark themes
This is the most controversial thing in this topic.
All the warlords were pitched to be dark, cruel and mature, and that might not be what you’re looking for in a kid’s line.
My justification is that during '07, G1 got a turn darker aswell, but not as much as here. These Barraki don’t have to be shown their cruelty, just as torturing Matorans ‘Kalmah Style’ or the brutality of Carapar directly. Hints could be enough, maybe a story here and there about them.
- How did the Barraki get to present time?
This would be solved with Karzahni and his prison being present, but when it isn’t, it might be a problem.
It was originaly pitched that the prison where Karzahni and the Barraki were to be imprisoned would keep them alive forever and protect them from everything, as a mean of punishment.
That prison could still be present, but not built by Ekimu and Makuta, but by the second Toa team, Toa Kanohi. (Check out that pitch, really cool)
The question is whether or not the Toa would be able to do that. We would have to “Brainstorm” our way out of it. (Pun intended)
- Color scheme of the Matoran
This isn’t as big of a problem so I won’t adress it as much.
This is a pure speculation. I thought the pink/teal color scheme might look cool, but someone could mistake the Matorans for the ones of Lightning Tribe. Then again, @Noupix’s other color scheme might be too dark and remind people of the Water Matoran.
It will be difficult to choose the right one.
- The build of the Barraki
Yes, how could the Barraki from the first image by @Tempelbeast1 transfered to minifigure form?
Some would be extremely difficult, like Pridak, others not so much, but most would suffer from the lack of articulation in the mutated limbs. (Mantax and Ehlek in their tails, for example)
But the same problem goes with the Rahkshi, like Guurahk.
- How would the Toa get to Mahri Nui?
This is a problem I will leave to you, since you get to develop the story. (Well, everything, actually. this is just a pitch)
I just want to say that the Barraki meeting the “Toa Vahi” (Narmoto, Kivoda, etc.) would make some extremely interesting lines of dialogue, such as between Pridak and Kopaka, because the previous Kopaka was pitched to be Pridak’s sister.
Or Takadox and Gali, since the previous Gali let a mob to murder Takadox’s wife.
I am actually planning to write a short story about this meeting one day. Either way, how or why the Toa would go to Mahri Nui is entirely up to you, I honestly can’t think of a reason for them to go.
Very well, that is it! Thank you very much for reading, at least I hope one of the cast members did!
If you have, please, adress my justifications to these issues if they rise up during the podcast.
Thank you for your work on G3!